After sales stop: WW2 shooter makes a second attempt on Steam – and this time it’s really free


Enlisted appeared on Steam a few months ago, but was immediately removed by the developers. There are now some changes in the new release

For almost four years, players have been fighting World War II battles in the multiplayer shooterEnlisted. For a long time, the Free2Play title was only available via its own launcher, but a few months ago the developers dared to release it on Steam.

However, this backfired completely, which is why the shooter disappeared from the platform within a very short time.Now, however, Enlisted is back and has addressed the points of criticism at the time.

No more price tag

When Enlisted was first released on Steam in March 2024, it caused confusion and anger among fans. One reason for this was that the Steam version was only playable with an “Early Access Pack” with some bonus content, which cost 20 euros. However, Enlisted is actually a Free2Play shooter and was still available for free via the official website.

For the re-release on Steam, however, the developers have now removed the price tagand made the game playable for free again. Of course, this does not change one point of criticism that many players express regardless of the Steam version: Enlisted is Free2Play, but those who don’t want to spend money on the shooter have to be extremely patient to unlock new content.

Technical problems fixed

Whoever wanted to switch from the launcher to the Steam version of Enlisted in March had to reckon with the fact that earned and purchased content could not be transferred.

The faulty account link has now been fixedThe developers promise thatall your purchases, progress and equipment will be preserved when you switch from the Enlisted client to the Steam client Finally, they also announce that you can now play Enlisted on the Steam Deck

If you can’t get enough of shooters, we have a few tips for you. Action expert Phil is building the John Wick game of his dreams with mods. Paul has discovered a real insider tip on Steam. And Elena can recommend eight shooters that are included in the large Game Pass games library.