First-person perspective, robots, unique setting: the new action role-playing game from the Dishonored developers looks great


Many former Arkane Studios employees have come together at Wolfeye Studios. They are now announcing their new first-person game.

Not a first-person shooter, but an action role-playing game:Despite the first-person perspectivethe new, as yet nameless game from Wolfeye Studios (Weird West) is much more oriented towardsDishonoredthan typical bang-boom games.

No wonder:The developers previously played a leading role in the stealth action series at Arkane Studios, whose Austin branch (Prey) was recentlyclosed by Microsoft.

The announcement of the untitled projectis accompanied by three screenshotsshowing a robot armed with machine guns, steampunk machines and a canyon landscape with a western feel. Image 1 in particular brings back strong memories of Dishonored:

What is known about the project

Wolfeye founders Raphaël Colantonio and Julien Robby played a key role in Dishonored at Arkane’s original Lyon studio. When Colantonio stepped down in 2017 after completing work on Prey, he was followed by some of his old colleagues.

They are now working on the nameless action role-playing game, which has a so-calledretro sci-fi looksimilar toStarfield. You can see a trailer for their first game Weird West here:

The new title is set in acomplementary fresh universe, but is intended to build heavily on the style of the Arkane games with playful freedom, role-playing elements and detailed level design; clear parallels can also be seen graphically.

Fans of Dishonored and Prey will feel right at home.

Raphaël Colantonio

But it will still be a while before you can play the new Wolfeye project: Pre-prodcution has just been completed,2025 a Closed Alpha is scheduled to run,for which you can already sign up The selected players will be able to give feedback to the developers and ideally make the game better

The old colleagues at Arkane Lyon, meanwhile, are working on a comic book adaptation based on Marvel’s Blade. Their last game was the first-person shooter Deathloop, released in 2021