New on Steam & Co: A million people have been waiting for this free shooter


Discover with us the most exciting releases of the week on Steam and elsewhere. This time there are several hotly anticipated shooters and a potential space strategy hit

Thegamescom 2024is fast approaching and the much-cited summer slump is slowly coming to an end, as several hotly anticipated games are being released on Steam this week.

The most important game of the week has postponed its Steam release a little, but is still playable for you. So, like every Monday, let”s see together what exciting new releases are waiting for you this week

Highlight of the week: Arena Breakout: Infinite

(Genre: Extraction Shooter –Developer: Morefun Studios –Release: August 13 (to game)

Important:Initially, the Extraction Shooter can only be played via its own launcher, the Steam release will follow later.

Level Infinite is currently causing quite a stir with the Alpha Test for Delta Force- and another shooter from the Chinese publisher will be released this week. WithArena Breakout: Infinitethe toughest competitor to Escape from Tarkov is waiting in the wings, whichhas over a million players on the Steam wish list

At its core, thisextraction shooteris about fighting against AI soldiers and real players in a dangerous war zone, looting valuable loot and escaping unscathed.

Choose your equipment carefully before each mission, however, as every death means the loss of all the items you brought with you. To find out just how exciting an extraction shooter like this can be to play, check out our review of Escape from Tarkov&nbsp.

Or you can take a look at a complete mission in the game right now:

In the beta, Arena Breakout has already convinced many players – but the most important question still remains:What exactly will the Free2Play model look like?

According to the developers, there will be skins for your character and melee weapons, as well as a paid premium membership that will give you a largerSecure Containerand a secure container. This Secure Container cannot be looted by enemies, and all items stored here will be retained even after death.

Although this can already be interpreted as Pay2Win, the developers promise that you cannot buy extras that give you direct advantages in battle.

Arena Breakout: Infinite will be released on August 13

More exciting Steam releases of the week

Monday, August 12

  • Operation: Polygon Storm: A small single-player strategy game in which you only have to build troops that also fight fully automatically and attack your opponent”s base – just like in the mobile game Clash Royale.

Tuesday, August 13

  • Demonsomnia (Early Access):And another shooter! Here you can hunt demons in co-op, and thanks to the bodycam style, the eerie atmosphere should be particularly dense.
  • Tavern Manager Simulator: If you”ve always wanted to renovate a run-down tavern and soothe the thirsty throats of your guests with beer, here”s your chance.

Wednesday, August 14

Thursday, August 15

  • Shapez 2 (Early Access): The ultimate game for assembly line fetishists. All the trappings familiar from Factorio have been left out, here it”s all about the perfect automation of your factory.

  • Sins of a Solar Empire 2: After 16 years, the space 4X jewel is finally getting a sequel. You can once again look forward to managing your empire, lots of exploration and spectacular space battles.

  • Intravenous 2: A top-down shooter in the style of Hotline Miami, but with a much more tactical approach thanks to the high level of stealth.
  • Overboss: In this strategy game in the style of Dorfromantik, you build your own world and equip it with monsters to collect points.

Friday, August 16

  • Madden NFL 25: It”s that time of year again, EA”s annual sports games are being launched – and as always, the American football game Madden kicks things off before soccer fans get their turn with FC 25 next month.

    A pretty exciting week awaits us. Which new game are you most looking forward to? Let us know in the comments section