PlayStation: Mysterious video raises rumors in the community


PlayStation announced a new horror game with a teaser at the beginning of the week. The half-minute clip caused quite a stir within the community. This is because it brought to mind a title that fans have long wanted to see remastered.

On Monday evening at 17:34, PlayStation shared a mysterious clip via its social media channels. It shows the inside of a cattle shed bathed in cold light. A pig with a gaping belly wound limps out of the edge of the screen into the center of the image. It utters a tortured grunting “They’re coming”. Then the screen darkens again and white lettering indicates that the worldwide game reveal will take place during the Opening Night Live at Gamescom on August 20.
As the beginning of the video reveals, Tarsier Studios is developing the game. THQ Nordic is taking on the role of publisher. PlayStation itself describes the game in the video description as “a spooky new horror game like you’ve never seen before.”

What is PlayStation announcing?

PlayStation’s scary announcement causes the community to erupt into a huge discussion that eventually splits into three camps

The first assumes that another Little Nightmares III is behind the announcement. After all, Tarsier Studiosdeveloped the first two partsand could now be working on a third on its own, now thatBandai Namco has joined forces with Supermassive Games. However,it has been clear since last year that Tarsier is working on a new IP. The studio has therefore left the Litte Nightmares franchise behind

In the second camp of the debate are the die-hard PlayStation gamers. They have been hoping for years that PlayStation would finally announce a remaster of Bloodborne. The mysterious clip has ignited a new fire of hope in this group. Because the pig in the video bears a striking resemblance to an opponent in the Souls-like However, it seems hard to imagine that FromSoftware will hand over a remaster to someone else. As recently as the beginning of the year, studio boss Hidetaka Miyazaki was not entirely averse to developing a new edition of the title.

So the third option seems by far the most logical. Tarsier Games is working with THQ Nordic on a new horror IP. This may have aesthetic similarities to the Little Nightmares franchise and Bloodborne. However, this seems to be due more to the use of typical horror aesthetics

So we have no choice but to wait for theOpening Night Liveatthis year’s Gamescom