PlayStation 5 Pro: no announcement was made at gamescom, but the name of the console was mentioned suspiciously often


There was a lot of whispering behind closed doors about the PlayStation 5 Pro

Gamescom is over: From August 21 to 25, numerous game developers and hardware manufacturers made their appearance at the games fair in Cologne.

One console was sorely missed – at least officially, as the PlayStation 5 Pro was probably talked about suspiciously often behind closed doors

This is why it’s important:The original PlayStation 5 is now almost four years old. There has been no sign of the mid-gen update, as there was one in previous generations, outside of rumors – until now.

In detail:As journalist Lorenzo Fazio from the Italian portal explained during a livestream from the games fair, individual developers have confirmed the existence of the PS5 Pro.

  • An individual developer reportedly told Fazio that their game planned for the end of the year will be delayed because the “Playstation 5 Pro is on the way”.
  • However, Fazio did not want to reveal which developer or game was involved.

Italian journalist seems to confirm the imminent release of the PS5 Pro
byu/fabio_b93 inGamingLeaksAndRumours

Second report confirmed:The portalwccftechwhich is probably much better known in this countryalso heard similar reports at gamescom.

  • A developer studio is said to have stated that the performance of Unreal Engine 5 will be much better on the PlayStation 5 Pro.
  • The unnamed developers have allegedly received the specifications of the PS5 Pro from Sony. However, they were not allowed to give details due to an existing embargo.
  • For wccftech, the existence of the PlayStation 5 Pro was an “open secret” at gamescom.

What does this mean for the release? &nbspTaking the developers’ statements at face value, a release date for the PlayStation 5 Pro has emerged

After all, the fourth quarter of 2024 has already been mentioned several times as aprobable release period&nbsp.

The increased mentions of the Sony console also suggest that an announcement could be made soon.

So the PS5 Pro could also be released in time for the Christmas season, which from the company’s point of view is logically an ideal time for customers interested in buying it.