Diablo 4: Clues to Season 6 have emerged – and it’s apparently focusing on an old acquaintance


The Diablo 4 public test realm has been running since September 4, where new features of the upcoming season and the add-on are being tested. There are many indications that you will be facing an opponent from Diablo 2

The public test realm (PTR) ofDiablo 4 has been running since September 4, 2024, where you can test the new features that will be added with Season 6 and the addonVessel of Hatred. For example, rune words are coming back

In addition, characters will only be able to level up to level 60.But apart from the features, not much was revealed about the theme of the season or its mechanics The PTR now gives an indication of what players can expect from Diablo 4 in the future

Season of Hate

According to this, the upcoming seasonwill be called “Season of Hate” – an obvious parallel to the addon.Hate is a meaningful keyword here. Because there will probably also be a fight against Mephisto in the season.

In Diablo lore, Mephisto is the Lord of Hate and Lilith’s father. This villain will be familiar to many from Diablo 2, among others. He has only made brief appearances in Diablo 4 so far, but has not made a major appearance.

He and his minions will probably get a bit more screen time in the upcoming season. This is indicated by at least one of two thematic features that have been revealed so far.

  • Mephisto’s Hatred:In Season 6, players will fight against opponents who have been corrupted by Mephisto’s Hatred. However, it is unclear whether these are already known enemies from the game or Mephisto’s henchmen from Diablo 2.
  • Realmwalker:The Realmwalkers are already known from Diablo 3. They are gigantic monsters that carry a portal on their back. If you defeat the monster, the portal is activated. In Season 6, these will be called “Hell Portals”. Players who explore these hell portals and return will be rewarded with powerful buffs.

In addition, there is still speculation that the popular cow level could return.This was a popular Easter Egg in Diablo 2 and 3. According to the portalwowhead.comthe weapon “Rusted Bardiche” is to be introduced with the upcoming patch 2.0.

The description of the weapon says that it stinks of manure. Some see this as an indication of a possible cow level.

With the Vessel of Hatred addon, it should also be possible to hire mercenaries for the battles.You can see more about this in the trailer:

The public test realm will be available from September 4 through September 11.If you want to participate, all it takes is a few clicks. The prerequisite is that you own Diablo 4 on PC.

Click on Diablo 4 in your Battle.net account and select the option Public Test Realm (PTR) from the drop-down menu with the title Game Version above the Play button. You will then have to download almost 45 GB of data and can then get started