Supervive gets off to a strong start on Steam, aims to combine the best of LoL and shooters


With a mixture of two successful genres, Supervive is obviously hitting the nerve of many players right now.

Actually, it sounds like a non-starter. A game like this, dreamt up by some investor in a greenfield site, without knowing what people really want.But in this case, this approach has been a resounding success!

Supervive is the name of the game and is – hold on tight – a mixture of Hero Shooter and MOBA! In a time when we see one Hero Shooter after another fail (we remember Concord), Supervive knows how to hold its own. Despite or perhaps because it is supposed to be a MOBA in addition to a Hero Shooter.

Already a success on Steam

Officially, Supervive has not yet been released.On November 20, only the early access has started so far, which is supposed to last for another six months. A big advantage of Supervive, however, is of course that everyone can play for free.

It relies on a classic Free2Play model in which you have to spend money primarily on skins, pets, emotes and such. However, you can play Supervive completely for free. And a lot of people are taking advantage of that right now!On the release day, a total of 29,000 people were playing at the same time This number has not dropped drastically so far. The day after, 25,000 people were active again.

But Supervive’s popularity is not only reflected in the number of players, but also in the positive reviews. 87 percent of the reviews on Steam are currently favorable. Here are a few curated examples of what people like about Supervive:

It’s entertaining for what it is, and for me it’s something like League/Dota when I don’t want to be held hostage for up to 55 minutes.


I think this game is flawless because it’s a MOBA and a Battle Royale at the same time, with the good gameplay mechanics of Call of Duty Warzone / Apex Legends. Online matches are fairly quick (15-20 minutes), in-game progression is balanced, and it’s all about pure gameplay.


I was lucky enough to be an alpha tester for this game, and I can safely say that this version of the game is the best and most polished I’ve ever seen.


To sum up, people like how smoothly everything runs here and how well the MOBA and shooter gameplay complement each other. What’s more, the game offers you a quick kickby getting through an entire game in just a few minutes.

The mix is no surprise

Supervive is often compared to Blizzard or Riot by its fans, and the parallels to these big studios are no coincidence. You can literally see Supervive as a child of Overwatch and League of Legends, because developers from both games are also involved in Supervive.

The employees of this still quite young studio include many veterans from Blizzard and Riot, but also people who have worked on games like Apex Legends, Destiny, or Halo.

This expertise is evident not only in the type of game that Supervive is supposed to be, but also in the quality. Many report that Supervive, even in early access, is as polished as you rarely see.