MS Flight Simulator: These new features should fulfil the biggest fan wishes


Developer Asobo reveals the biggest fan requests and what players can look forward to in 2021 and 2022

There’s news again on the Microsoft Flight Simulator front. Developer Asobo has given an insight into the biggest fan requests in his latest development update – and at the same time directly revealed which requested features are already in the works.

Helicopters and other new features confirmed

To identify player requests, Asobo uses its in-house forum: Here players can suggest new features and vote them up if they agree. In a livestream, the developers have now presented the requests with the most upvotes and directly announced when these should find their way into the game.

Helicopters will appear in 2022: The most requested feature by far is the introduction of helicopters – after all, the game is called Flight and not Plane Simulator. In the helicopters, it should then be much easier to examine well-known landmarks or your own house from the air. At the moment, players still have to use the drone mode if they want to take a closer look at the landscape in a relaxed way.

Multi-Screen-Support: Those who currently play Flight Simulator cannot use more than one monitor. So if you don’t have an Ultrawide monitor or a VR headset, you can’t easily look straight ahead and out the window of your cockpit at the same time – which is why many players are calling for multi-screen support. Asobo is currently working on this, with the feature expected to be released before the end of 2021.

Replays: If you have mastered a particularly difficult landing, you will want to watch it again and again. To make this possible, instant replays are to be added to the game before the end of 2021, allowing you to watch your best feats and worst crashes over and over again.

More Features: In addition to the three most requested new features, the developers have confirmed the imminent release of many more features – including DirectX12 support, gliders and more. The full list can be found here:

Flight Simulator – Wish List 1

Flight Simulator – Wish List 2

Before all these changes find their way into the game, fans can expect the big update 5 at the end of July, which could double the fps figures of many players.