Windows 11: This could happen in the future if you drag your files to the top of the screen


A new feature is supposed to make sharing files even easier.

Windows 11 already offers a variety of ways to share files. In addition to the classic “Send To”, the share menu has been around for a long time. Soon, another option could be added.

That happened: In the latest beta of Windows 11, there is a hidden feature that unlocks the new sharing menu. This allows files to be dragged to the top of the screen to share them via the new menu.

The well-known Windows expert PhantomOfEarth discovered the function in the latest beta and described it on X:

  • Windows 11 therefore displays three programs at the top of the screen that can be used to share the selected file. There is also an option to access the share menu to select additional programs.

  • The new feature is reminiscent of the docking aid. It can be used to select layouts for windows when dragging them to the top of the screen.

  • However, there are no conflicts between the two functions, since the docking aid only reacts to windows and the new sharing menu only to files.

Microsoft has not yet announced the new feature. The official blog postabout the latest beta makes no mention of it.

It is therefore unclear whether and, if so, when the new sharing option will be rolled out to all Windows 11 users. It is also not known at the moment whether there will be an option to customize the three programs.

The community is largely positive

A large proportion of commentators on X view the new function positively. One user, for example, writes tongue in cheek: Finally something good, it’s not that hard, Microsoft

But there are also more critical voices. Another X user, for example, fears that there could be compatibility issues with other features.

Now we want to hear your opinion. What do you think of the new option to split files? Would you use it or do you prefer other ways? Please feel free to write us a comment!