You are longing for a more than 20-year-old, original PS2? Here are three of them


A gamer and collector on Reddit opens his treasure trove and shows three rare consoles he owns.

Last week, we reported that a collector of old consoles pulled a brand new PS2 Aqua Edition out of a broken box. The player in question is now going one better and presenting three more of his treasures.

My sealed PlayStation 2 collection!
byu/DivOveR inplaystation

This can be seen: Three original PS2 consoles in partially mint condition, packed in transparent cases.

  • One PlayStation 2 Aqua Edition
  • One PlayStation 2 Metallic Silver Edition
  • A PlayStation 2 with the model designation “SCPH-50004” for Europe

How rare are the respective consoles? In two out of three cases, this is relatively easy to answer.

Edition Year of release Where available? Estimated quantity
Aqua 2004 Japan, EU 1,000 – 5,000
Metallic Silver 2004 Japan 1,000 – 5,000
SCPH-50004 2003/2004 EU ?

Sources: Console Variations

The model with the number SCPH-50004 is not rare per se, but it is special because it is the last iteration of the so-called fat models. How many of these were produced for the European market is no longer known. But as early as September 2004, less than a year later, Sony launched the slim version of the PS2.

The special thing about the SCPH-50004 is that it had an integrated infrared receiver, which meant that the console could also be controlled by remote control. Since many people had also bought the PS2 because of the DVD drive, this was a useful new function.

Could this be a made-up story?Yes, that cannot be ruled out. However, the user DivOveR repeatedly shows unused, old hardware such as a Sega Master System or a Commodore 64

As an active part of the retro gaming community, it stands to reason that this player is also a collector.

In the comments on Reddit, people are celebrating, of course. But the commenters also have questions that DivOveR is happy to answer:

  • “How many times a day do you force yourself to leave the room to avoid opening the consoles?” – DivOveR: “Many, many, many times because I have a lot more sealed stuff.”
  • “Are you going to sell them one day?” – DivOveR: “No.”
  • “That’s a bit weird, isn’t it?” – DivOveR: “Yes.”
  • “Do you have any other Playstation consoles packed like this, or just these PS2s?”

In response to the last question, the collector shows us a picture of an unopened PlayStation 1.

How much are the consoles worth?

Since these are collector’s items, it’s hard to put a figure on it. We did some research and found a few expired auctions on Ebay that provide some insight.

  • A Metallic Silver Edition went on the US-American Ebay for 1,217 US dollars (about 1,179 euros) over the virtual counter – but not in its original packaging.
  • An Aqua Edition in its original packagingchanged hands for 900 pounds (about 1,080 euros) on the European eBay

However, the SCPH-50004 version is a tricky one. This is the European PAL version, which is currently unavailable in its original packaging. The US equivalent, with the model designation SCPH-50001, is currently being offered on the local Ebay in two auctions for 2,500 and 2,400 US dollars respectively. That corresponds to 2,422 and 2,325 euros respectively.

How many PS5 Pros can you get for that? The PS5 Pro currently costs 800 euros (Media Markt). If we take the prices from Ebay as a basis, you get a total value of 4,681 euros – and in the end, 5.8 PS5 Pros come out of it. Or 5 PS5 Pros with one drive each, which you have to buy separately.

Of course, the actual value at the end cannot be quantified exactly. It also depends on the condition of the boxes and how much someone would be willing to pay. But one thing is certain: DivOveR is sitting on a pretty treasure that one or the other collector will surely lust after.