22 years ago, Black Isle Fallout 3 was canceled. Now the game comes back as a mod and you can try it for free.
The modding group United West Team has been working for some time on a mod that will revive Fallout 3 aka Van Buren by Black Isle Studios, which was canceled 22 years ago. Not only has a new trailer been released, but also the first demo.
Revelation Blues instead of Van Buren
Fallout: Revelation Blues is a mod for Obsidian Entertainment’s Fallout: New Vegas In the 2010 game, many elements originally intended for Fallout: Van Buren were already incorporated. Among them the Caesars Legion, imperialist atrocities, the Hoover Dam, the Pulverbandites and much more. No wonder, after all, Obsidian Entertainment was founded in part by some former Black Isle employees.
Free Demo: The first demo of the upcoming mod has now been released, and you can download it for free from via Nexus Mods But keep in mind that you must own Fallout: New Vegas and all its expansions to play it.
What it’s about: The demo is centered around the mostly-deserted town of Burham Springs, which sits atop a perpetual coal fire. This is presumably an allusion to the coal fire in Pennsylvania mines that has been burning continuously since the 1960s.
The fire in Burham Springs was started by NCR soldiers who originally wanted to smoke out fleeing pulverbands after they attacked Hoover Dam. The accident caused the surrounding creatures to mutate. The result is abstruse Molechs
and the Fallout: London known Gehennas
Revelation Blues is not alone
With Project Van Buren, there is another major mod project that aims to resurrect the scrapped Fallout 3 from Black Isle. Instead of Revelation Blues, however, Project Van Buren decided not to use the originally planned first-person perspective, but the isometric perspective known from Fallout 1 and 2.