A secret demon helmet in Kingdom Come 2 looks like it came from a different game


The armor from the medieval role-playing game is quite close to its historical models, but the community has found a helmet that is a bit out of the ordinary.

A more than extravagant helmet is keeping the Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 community busy. The protective headgear, with horns and ears, looks almost as if it belongs more in a fantasy role-playing game and is puzzling fans.

The Demon Helm

Reddit user Winter-Garbage-1790 shows an extremely unusual helmet with two pointed horns and long leathery ears in Kingdom Come 2.

What Helmet Is This? [KCD2]
byu/Winter-Garbage-1790 inkingdomcome

The player explains that the helmet is actually part of the game and was not created by other users. However, the helmet can only be put on using the Master Merchant Mod, so it is not possible to buy, find or create it in the game.

The item itself is only referred to as “Saxon Bascinet” in-game. There is no item ID.

Where did the helmet come from?

Without the ears and horns, the helmet looks like the of the knight Taras Mura, whom you meet in the quest The side quest is actually about demons in a figurative sense.

That’s why user No_Ad2754 also suspects that the demonic-looking helmet is an alternative to the one worn by Taras Mura. The developers decided against the look, but the helmet remained in the game – or so the theory goes.

Other users such as quixote_manche and rebel_soul21 suspect that the helmet belongs to one of the planned DLCs of Kingdom Come 2.

Does such a helmet fit into the Middle Ages?

The players quickly agree that a helmet like this would not be worn on a battlefield. But as part of ornate and eye-catching armor for a tournament, such a menacing appearance would be quite conceivable.

Where did the helmet come from?

Without the ears and horns, the helmet looks like the of the knight Taras Mura , whom you meet in the quest The side quest is actually about demons in a figurative sense.

That’s why user No_Ad2754 also suspects that the demonic-looking helmet is an alternative to the one worn by Taras Mura. The developers decided against the look, but the helmet remained in the game – or so the theory goes.

Other users like quixote_manche and rebel_soul21 suspect that the helmet belongs to one of the planned DLCs of Kingdom Come 2.

Does a helmet like this fit into the Middle Ages?

Players quickly agree that a helmet like this would not be worn on a battlefield. But as part of a decorative and eye-catching suit of armor for a tournament, such a menacing appearance would be quite conceivable.

If you just want the best armor in Kingdom Come 2 without mods and ostentation, you can find all the information in our guide linked above. But don’t worry, we’ve got help for your looks too: in the box you’ll find an article with all the details about the barber and the new hairstyles that were part of the gigantic 1.2 update. The patch notes cover 34 pages.