New World Beta: Everything about duration, keys, content and more

‎New World becomes the new MMO from Amazon Game Studios
‎New World becomes the new MMO from Amazon Game Studios

The closed beta of the Amazon MMO New World is currently running on Steam. We have all the information for you about the duration, end, keys, content and more.

All the information about the duration, end, keys, content and more.

The Steam release of the Amazon MMO New World is scheduled for 31 August 2021. But even before then, you can take a trip to the island of Aeternum and visit the colonial setting with fantasy, fairy tale and horror elements. Because the closed beta has been running since 20 July 2021.

All info on the closed beta of New World

Duration: When does the beta start and when does it end?

The closed beta of New World has started on 20 July 2021 on PC via Steam. It will run for a fortnight. This means that the beta will end on 3 August 2021 at 8:59 pm German time. However, it is not impossible that there will be an extension. The first few days saw massive server problems that prevented many from playing.

Registration: How do you get a key

You can still register for the beta on the website of New World. However, you will only get guaranteed access if you pre-order the MMO. If you prefer to rely on your luck, you still have a chance. During the beta, Amazon will regularly select players at random from the list of registered players, who will then be invited by e-mail.

If you don’t like New World in the beta, you can cancel your pre-order without any problems – the money will only be debited at the time of release. If you pre-order during the beta, you will have to wait up to 48 hours for your key.

In der New World Beta herrscht reges Treiben. Später sollen die Server aber ausgedünnt werden, um das Abenteurergefühl zu steigern.

If you have already participated in the alpha, this does not guarantee beta access. You will need a new key.

Steam or Amazon: How will the beta be launched
You need an Amazon account to register for the beta via the website. However, New World can be pre-ordered via Steam as well as Amazon. If you have received a key via pre-order or luck, you can play via Steam. New World does not require a separate launcher.

You activate the key normally via Valve’s platform by selecting “Add a game” in the bottom left-hand corner of the desktop version and then “Activate a product on Steam”. You will then see the game “New World Closed Beta” in your library. In the game, you can optionally link your Twitch account to get New World drops such as cosmetic skins on the streaming platform. However, you don’t have to do this to play.

You can earn Twitch Drops by watching streams. Any live video that is in the “New World” category and has drops enabled will qualify – you can usually see this at the top of the chat window.

Download size: How big is the beta?

The download size on PC via Steam is 37.51 GB. So you’ll need to free up some space.

System requirements: What do you need for the beta?
The following system requirements are recommended by developer Amazon for the New World Beta. They are comparatively modest:

Minimum System Requirements
– Processor: Core i5-2400 / AMD CPU with 4 physical cores
– Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 670 / AMD Radeon R9 280
– Working memory: 8 GB RAM
– Disk space: approx. 40 GB
– Recommended system requirements
– Processor: Core i7-2600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1400
– Graphics card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 390X
– RAM: 16 GB
– Memory: approx. 40 GB

What about the server problems?

At the launch of the beta, many players had to struggle with severe server problems and were unable to access the beta. Even now there are still intermittent outages and disconnections. There is not much you can do, at least you can check the server status here. You can also find out on Twitter whether there is a general malfunction, whether there is a workaround or whether work is currently being done on it

What about defective graphics cards?

In addition, reports are piling up about graphics cards affected by New World. Amazon has already applied a patch, but for hardware expert Nils, it has not taken enough responsibility for the critical situation. Meanwhile, the manufacturer offers to replace broken GPUs.

What content does the beta offer?

You can already explore the entire island in the test version, play quests, level up your character to maximum level 60, choose a faction, explore dungeons, try out the endgame and more. The PvP modes “War for Outposts” (50v50) and Outpost Rush are also already playable. The big battles are about dominance in the individual zones.

However, the complete story is not yet playable, as Narrative Design Lead Robert Chestney exclusively told us in an interview:

“We’ve released about half of the main story in beta so far and the rest will be revealed at launch. I can already reveal that the second half of the story will involve considerable changes to characters and locations that players are now familiar with. ”

What does New World currently look like?

Screenshots from the beta can be viewed in this gallery:

Can the beta be streamed?

Yes, the beta may be officially streamed. This means that from July onwards you will be able to watch the first live content as a viewer and produce videos and streams as a content creator. If you want, you can also use the forum to leave feedback.

If you want to edit a video on YouTube later, you can and may of course still do so after the beta. Amazon only points out that the version will change at release, so that the recordings no longer reflect the current state of the game

Can I carry over my progress into the finished game?

No, like after the alpha there will be a character wipe for the final release. What you unlock now in the beta, you won’t take with you. For pre-orderers, however, there are other pre-order bonuses in addition to the beta access:

– Isabella’s Amulet (More damage against supernatural enemies and better resistance against weather attacks).
– Unique title that shows you were one of the first players.
– “Fist Bump Emote” and “Guild Crest Set” with axes, muskets and armour.
In terms of price, the standard version is 40 euros. For 50 euros you can get the Deluxe Edition with more goodies.

Can I play the beta for New World in German?

Yes, the beta supports German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish and Brazilian Portuguese. Except for a few placeholder names, texts and dubbing are already implemented. There is a German voice-over.

Gameplay preview of New World