Danger from the ambush – How to play Gengar in Pokémon Unite

How to Play Gengar in Pokémon Unite‎
How to Play Gengar in Pokémon Unite‎

Gengar is one of the most powerful Pokémon in Nintendo’s free MOBA. Due to its high mobility, the ghost rumbles around in the middle of the map and then surprises the opponents with ganks.

Gengar belongs to the sprinter category and is therefore one of the fastest characters in Pokémon Unite. Four stars in mobility speak for its speed qualities, which are complemented by three and a half stars in attack for a dangerous ganks. In addition, the passive ability Levitate causes increased speed outside of battles. Accordingly, the Pokémon lends itself in the middle, i.e. in the Jungle.

With its ghostly abilities, Gengar quickly becomes a nightmare for unsuspecting opponents. Because as soon as his pre-evolutions Nebulak and Alpollo have worked their way through the Jungle, a high level is quickly reached. It is therefore recommended to first defeat the camps with Bisofank and Kappalores. With more wild Pokémon to defeat, level 5 is doable after a minute and so is the first evolution. Then the first ganks on the lanes are possible.

Special Attack Items for Gengar

Special attack buffs for Gengar come in handy due to their high damage potential. These include the Wise Glasses and the Special Attack Specs. The latter improves the stats after a successful hit in the Goal Zone. X Attack is also a suitable option for the combat item. However, the Eject Button is better for most situations because Gengar’s mobility and escape ability benefit from it.

If you want to get even more out of the two carried items, you are well advised to use the upgrades in Battle Prep. Because Gengar’s special attack values increase noticeably as a result. As a third item of this kind, the Energy Amplifier would be a strong option, which can cause even more damage for a short time after the Unite attack used.

Clear favourites among the attacks

To start as Nebulak, the first attack should be Will-O-Wisp. Although Lick draws opponents in, the former makes more of a difference due to the mid-range fire damage. Once evolved to level 5 to Alpollo, there is an option between Sludge Bomb and Shadow Ball. For the special attack build, Sludge Bomb is suitable and should be prioritised accordingly. Only in the case of other strategic Crowd Control builds is Shadow Ball the better choice.

At level 7 comes the next attack upgrade: Hex and Dream Eater. The former only appears after selecting Sludge Bomb, Dream Eater accordingly only with Shadow Ball.

Hex is perfect for the mobile and offensive playstyle, because this Dash makes Alpollo and later Gengar hard to catch and deals a lot of damage. If the attacked Pokémon is poisoned, it receives even more damage. With Dream Eater, Gengar would have to act from the second row, can put the opponent to sleep and then drain a lot of KP.

Gengar surprises and disappears

Generally, the combination of Sludge Bomb and Hex is a very offensive variant and makes Gengar a dangerous Pokémon. In addition, Hex gives the option to flee from a fight, which improves its flexibility in different situations. The fighting style of the agile Pokémon is correspondingly.

From level 9, Gengar is available developed along with its Unite attack. This ultimate attack is “Phantom Ambush”. With this attack, Gengar becomes invisible and can silently sneak up on its opponents. This attack should always be done from concealment, before the opponent is ready. If the Sludge Bomb hits, Hex follows and usually always ensures quick success.