Money Guide to GTA Online: How to make money fast in 2021

‎GTA Online Money Guide
‎GTA Online Money Guide

In GTA Online there are many ways and means to earn money. We tell you how to make a lot of GTA dollars in 2021 in the most efficient and quickest way possible.

In GTA Online you can earn money in many different ways. However, one method is often more lucrative than the other. That’s why we’re presenting you with the following guide on how you can earn GTA dollars in the multiplayer mode of Grand Theft Auto 5 in the year 2021 in a particularly efficient manner.

All tips of our money guide to GTA Online at a glance:

– Money tips for beginners
– Money tips for experienced solo players
– Money tips for veterans and team players
– Other Money Tips

Money tips for beginners

 Completing daily goals

Prerequisite: Depends on the daily goal, in most cases none.
How many players? 1
How much money can be made? 30,000 GTA dollars per day, 750,000 GTA dollars as a bonus for 30 daily objectives completed in a row.
How much time do I need? Depends on the respective daily goals, usually no longer than 30 minutes.

Die Tagesziele von GTA Online findet ihr im Interaktionsmenü, welches ihr per Tastendruck M aufruft.

This is what you can earn: Players are assigned three different daily objectives per day. If you complete all three, you will receive 30,000 GTA dollars and 3,000 RP. If you complete each daily objective for a week in a row, you can look forward to an additional 150,000 GTA dollars. If you complete the daily objectives for a month, you will even receive 750,000 GTA dollars as a bonus.

What you have to do: You can find the Daily Objectives of a particular day in the interaction menu (via the M key) of GTA Online. The daily objectives are made up of various activities: Complete a parachute jump, play a match of tennis or simply visit a nightclub or the Diamond Casino Resort.

For whom we recommend this method: Newcomers in particular should keep an eye on the daily objectives in GTA Online. After all, they can be completed quite quickly and without much effort and thus bring you 30,000 GTA dollars per day. This is particularly lucrative for beginners, who can build up a starting capital.

However, bear in mind that some daily goals actually require a certain level of progress: Sometimes, for example, GTA Online requires you to upgrade an MK-2 weapon or to complete CEO/VIP missions. And not every newcomer has access to that.

How to start this type of mission: Call up the interaction menu of GTA Online while the game is running (via the M key) and check under “Goals” what exactly is coming up today. Afterwards, you simply have to complete one of the tasks and the game will inform you that you have completed a Daily Objective

Find cars for Simeon and earn pocket money

Requirement: Character Level 10
How many players? 1
How much money can be made? Between 9,000 to 20,000 GTA dollars
How much time do I need? About ten minutes, depending on how quickly you can find the car you’re looking for.

In GTA Online könnt ihr für Simeon Autos klauen. Das geht recht schnell und füllt vor allem die Taschen von Anfängern sowie Neueinsteigern.

This is what you can earn: Depending on the car you find. You must also bring the vehicle to the delivery point undamaged, otherwise you will receive less money. As a rule, you can make around 10,000 GTA dollars per delivery. In the meantime, Rockstar has even increased the payout, with certain cars such as a Exemplar, Carbonizzare or Super Diamond you can even make 20,000 dollars per theft.

This is what you have to do: Simeon contacts you via SMS and sends you a daily list of different cars that he wants to sell on. Find one of the wanted cars in the open game world, hang the police if necessary and repaint it in a Los Santos Customs. You then have to bring the car (as undamaged as possible) to the port of Los Santos marked on the minimap.

For whom we recommend this method: Especially newcomers quickly earn a little pocket money with the vehicle deliveries for Simeon. Veterans will tend to shrug their shoulders at money amounts of around 10,000 GTA dollars, but the simple and quickly completed missions are always a nice pastime.

How to start this type of mission: As soon as you have reached level 10 in GTA Online, Simeon will send you a list of wanted vehicles once a day. Get into one of these cars (which of course must not belong to any player) and the mission will start automatically

Robbery shops for quick change

Prerequisite: None
How many players: 1
How much money can be made? Between 1,000 to 3,000 GTA dollars
How much time do I need? About two minutes

This is what you can earn: Robbing smaller shops will earn you between 1,000 to 3,000 GTA dollars in GTA Online.

What you have to do: You can rob a shop in GTA Online by threatening a cashier or by clearing out or destroying the cash register yourself. As a rule, you will receive one to two wanted level stars for each robbery. Sometimes the cashier can fight back and pull out a gun himself, after each robbery there is always a cooldown time until you target the same shop again.

We recommend this method to: No, you won’t really make much money with the shop robberies in GTA Online. But beginners in particular should not completely ignore this quick and easy option. With the few hundred GTA dollars from the cash register you can, for example, finance the ammunition or armour you need on the way to a mission. Small change also makes muck.

How to start this kind of activity: Simply look for a supermarket or a petrol station on the map of Los Santos, go to the cashier and point a gun at him. Then the cashier will start (rather involuntarily, of course) to clear out the cash register for you. Alternatively, you can approach the cash register yourself to empty it.

Take advantage of weekly bonuses

Prerequisite: Depends on the respective orders.
How many players? Varies from order to order
How much money can be made in total? Double to triple the pay that an order normally brings in
How much time do I need? Strongly dependent on the respective order and the personal playing style

Spieler von GTA Online meiden in der Regel gerne die Arena-War-Missionen, weil Investitionen sehr kostspielig und der Ertrag verhältnismäßig gering ausfallen. Doppelte oder gleich dreifache Prämien sind hier besonders gerne gesehen.

This is what you can earn: (Almost) every week there are new bonuses and discounts in GTA Online. Here, the bonuses usually come in the form of double pay, but sometimes they come in the form of triple pay. And since the basic pay varies from mission to mission, it is impossible to generalise how much money you make and in how much time. However, missions with double and triple pay are almost always profitable.

This is what you have to do: If you want to know which missions currently offer double or even triple money and experience points, it is best to visit the Rockstar Newswire. But also the Rockstar insider Tez2 on Twitter or the GTAO community on Reddit provide you with practical overviews. GTA Online’s weekly bonuses and discounts usually change every Thursday.

To whom we recommend this method
: Not only beginners should keep an eye on the weekly changing discounts of GTA Online. Because often the different events ensure that game modes that have been completely neglected in the meantime are breathed new life into. In addition, some missions are more suitable for newcomers, others for veterans. You should always decide from week to week.

How to start this type of mission: How you use the bonuses always depends on the type of mission. As a rule, you can find the missions with double or triple payment via the job selection in the game menu of GTA Online.

(Complete certain) missions

Prerequisite: Some missions require a certain level.
How many players? 1 – 4
How much money can be made? Approximately 15,000 to 20,000 GTA dollars
How much time do I need? Depends on the mission, usually no more than ten to 20 minutes.

In GTA Online gibt es zahlreiche Missionen zu spielen, ein paar davon bringen in besonders kurzer Zeit besonders viel Geld.

This is what you can earn: In GTA Online there are now a whole bunch of missions. Some of them can be completed particularly quickly in order to earn money as efficiently as possible. You can expect to earn between 15,000 and 20,000 GTA dollars per mission – double that with bonuses, of course.

This is what you have to do: The missions created by Rockstar in GTA Online are quite diverse and wide-ranging: Sometimes you have to destroy or steal and deliver target objects, take out certain targets or groups of opponents – on foot, in a vehicle, in the air or on water. However, be careful not to rush through the missions too quickly: For some missions, the faster you go, the less money you get.

To whom we recommend this method: GTA Online’s missions are a good way for newcomers to earn experience points and money at the beginning of the game. Since the missions are quite entertaining and simple, you don’t necessarily have to rely on an experienced team: So you should not necessarily stop at the open player search.

These missions are best for quick money: Some missions in GTA Online can be completed very quickly, which means they bring in money quickly and are also a lot of fun. However, it doesn’t hurt if you bring along reinforcements. We would recommend the following jobs:

– All rubbish
– Talked about
– Problems on the pier
– Stress on the roof
– Radical Cure I
– A job for a Titan

How to start this type of job: You will regularly receive invitations to new jobs via your GTAO character’s mobile phone. Alternatively, you can also start and select specific jobs by going to “Online” in the menu and searching for specific missions under jobs created by Rockstars. If your selected job is not active anywhere at the moment, you can simply host the job yourself.

The Fleeca Job (Heist)

Requirement: Character level 12, luxury flat for 200,000 to 1.1 million GTA dollars.
How many players? 2
How much money can be made in total? Up to 143,000 GTA dollars – depending on the difficulty level selected.
How much time do I need? Approximately 60 minutes including preparation missions

Der Fleeca-Job von GTA Online bringt im Vergleich zu anderen Heists sehr viel weniger Geld, eignet sich aber vor allem für Anfänger zum Grinden.

This is what you can earn: Depending on the selected difficulty level, you can earn between 115,000 and 143,000 GTA dollars with the Fleeca job. However, the purchase price for the armoured Kuruma, which you unlock with the Fleeca Job, is particularly exciting: To date, one of the best and most useful vehicles in GTA Online.

What you have to do: The Fleeca Job of GTA Online can be understood as a kind of tutorial heist. Here, players are introduced to basic mechanics and the robbery process in a team of two. In the Fleeca Job, you only have to complete two preparation missions and can then tackle the Heist finale.

Who we recommend this method to: Newcomers who have just bought a luxury flat should grind the Fleeca Job a little. This way they can build up a small cash cushion with little time and effort and also rise in rank.

How to start this type of job
: In order to play the Fleeca Job, you must have reached level 12 in GTA Online and be in possession of a luxury flat. You can get the latter via the in-game website Dynasty8 – the price can range from a few hundred thousand to millions. Once you have everything set up, Lester will contact you by phone and explain the next steps to you.

Money tips for solo players

Cayo Perico Heist

– Prerequisite: Submarine Kosatka for 2.2 million GTA dollars
– How many players? 1-4
– How much money can be made in total? Up to 4,570,000 GTA dollars – depending on loot and team members.
– How much time do I need? Approximately 90 minutes to two hours including preparation missions.

El Rubios Insel Cayo Perico könnt ihr im Team, aber auch alleine überfallen. Dann könnt ihr zwar weniger Loot tragen, müsst dafür allerdings auch nicht teilen.

This is what you can earn: The Cayo Perico Heist is currently the most lucrative heist in GTA Online. You can make up to four million GTA dollars per heist. Exactly how much you get depends on what loot you take home and how many other players you have with you.

By the way: In May 2021, the fan-anticipated Panther statue was available in GTA Online for the first time. You can find all the information about the loot that can be captured for a limited time in the following article. This much can already be revealed: With the Panther Statue alone, you can earn 1.9 million GTA dollars – as long as Rockstar has unlocked it.

This is what you have to do: In the course of the Cayo Perico Heist, you pull off a heist on the island of the drug lord El Rubio alone or with up to three other players. After you have scouted out the island, you have to complete some preparatory missions in Los Santos.

After that you have to do the actual heist, which takes about 20 minutes. With all the preparation missions you will be done in about 90 to 120 minutes.

For whom we recommend this method: The Cayo Perico Heist is currently the most efficient method to earn money in GTA Online. Accordingly, the heist is recommended for all players who want to make some cash.

What is particularly exciting about the Cayo Perico Heist is that you can play it completely solo. This means you don’t have to rely on the support of friends or strangers to make a buck here.

How to start this kind of mission: To start the Cayo Perico Heist, you first have to get to know Miguel Madrazo in the Music Locker. Then you unlock the Kosatka on Warstock Cache & Carry for purchase.

The submarine is indispensable for the Cayo Perico Heist and is your command base for the raid. Once you have fulfilled these criteria, there is nothing to stop you from making a killing on El Rubio’s island.

Car Workshop: Customer orders

– Prerequisite: Car repair shop for 1,670,000 to 1,920,000 GTA dollars.
– How many players? 1
– How much money can be made in total? 20,000 to 50,000 GTA dollars per customer order
– How much time do I need? 5 to 10 minutes

Die Kundenaufträge eurer Autowerkstatt in GTA Online stellen eine simple Quelle für Nebeneinkünfte dar.

This is what you can earn: Payouts vary from customer order to customer order. Players can earn a minimum of 20,000 and a maximum of 50,000 GTA dollars per delivery. A similar amount must first be invested, but you will be paid back each time you deliver a car.

This is what you have to do: Customer orders automatically land in your workshop as soon as you have finished setting it up. Then up to two NPC vehicles (if you have upgraded to the car lift) will end up in your garage, which you will have to modify according to your customer’s wishes.

After that, all you have to do is deliver the vehicles as undamaged as possible. You can also ask your employees to do this (if you have bought them as an upgrade). However, we don’t recommend the latter, as your employees often wreck the cars and thus reduce your payouts. So it’s better to take care of driving the tuned cars to the customers yourself.

For whom we recommend this method: The customer orders from your car repair shop are an entertaining sideline that pays off in the long run. Just drop by your property every few missions or watch out for in-game messages that alert you to new customer orders and you’ll make a little money on the side.

How to start this type of order: If a new customer order is available, an in-game message or a text message from Sessanta will alert you to it. Go to your car workshop and there to the small wrench symbol to modify the vehicle according to your customer’s wishes. After that, all you have to do is deliver the car as undamaged as possible.

Car Workshop: Exotic Export List

– Prerequisite: Car repair shop for 1,670,000 to 1,920,000 GTA dollars.
– How many players? 1
– How much money can be made in total? 20,000 GTA dollars per delivery, bonus of 100,000 GTA dollars after first delivery of all ten cars
– How much time do I need? 5 to 10 minutes – however, finding sought-after exotics depends on chance

Pro-Tipp: Verpasst ihr eurer Autowerkstatt einen neuen Anstrich, wird der Fortschritt der exotischen Exportliste zurückgesetzt. Macht nicht denselben Fehler wie wir ...

You can earn this: For every exotic delivered to the port of Los Santos, you will receive a payout of 20,000 GTA dollars. An export list is made up of a total of ten exotics and if you have completed one of them for the first time, you will receive an additional bonus payment of 100,000 GTA dollars.

This is what you have to do: This type of mission works quite similarly to the car thefts for Simeon. The only difference is that the exotics you are looking for spawn randomly in the game world of GTA Online and attract attention with a small blue dot on the minimap. Then steal the car and bring it to a yellow anchor symbol in the port of Los Santos to complete a delivery.

For whom we recommend this method: The exotic exports should rather be seen as a nice side activity and less targeted. After all, the random spawns of the cars you are looking for can sometimes be a long time coming. So just keep your eyes open on your tours through the open game world to see if anything flashes on your mini-map.

How to start this type of mission: To tackle the exotic export list, you must own a garage. Once you have completed setting it up, Sessanta will contact you in a timely manner to let you know that this type of job is available. From then on, you will be able to find the cars you are looking for and deliver them to the harbour.

Car Workshop: Orders

– Prerequisite: Car repair shop for 1,670,000 to 1,920,000 GTA dollars.
– How many players? 1-4
– How much money can be made in total? Approximately 160,000 to 180,000 GTA dollars per mini-heist including preparation missions.
– How much time do I need? 20 to 40 minutes

In der Autowerkstatt von GTA Online könnt ihr stets aus drei verschiedenen Aufträgen wählen, die regelmäßig rotieren.

This is what you can earn: The car repair jobs as a host will earn you 160,000 to 180,000 GTA dollars each upon completion. Here you have to take into account that you will give a few thousand GTA dollars to your clients KDJ and Sessanta. If you take part in the missions of another host, you will be paid 50,000 GTA dollars. The preparation missions give hosts and fellow players 10,000 GTA dollars each per completion.

What you have to do: The missions of your new car repair shop can be described as mini-heists with a clear conscience: After two preparatory missions, the actual mission starts, in which you rob a train, a military convoy, a prison or a bunker.

Currently, six different missions are available in your car workshop, which are quite varied in terms of gameplay and are primarily designed for the new tuning vehicles from Los Santos Tuners.

For whom we recommend this method: Sessanta’s and KDJ’s missions for your car workshop are quite suitable for solo, but also team players. The different missions are very varied and fun. If you want to make money, however, you should host the jobs yourself, as other players earn less money.

This is how you start this type of job
: The jobs of your garage are available to you as soon as you have bought the property and completed its setup. Register as a CEO or Club President to gain access to the Planning Board and select one of the different jobs.

CEO work: Import/Export missions “Vehicle Trade “

– Prerequisite: Office for one million to four million GTA dollars, vehicle warehouse for 1,500,000 to 2,850,000 GTA dollars, public lobby.
– How many players? 1 – but for delivering collections or several cars at the same time you need allied teammates.
– How much money can be made in total? Several hundred thousand per hour – depending on vehicle class and number of vehicles sold.
– How much time do I need? Strongly dependent on your own play style, an import/export mission can be completed within 20 to 30 minutes, after each sale there is a cooldown of about 15 minutes.

Von den vielen CEO-Tätigkeiten handelt es sich bei den Fahrzeugverkäufen aktuell um die lukrativsten von GTA Online.

This is what you can earn: Exactly how much you earn from import/export missions depends on your personal play style: The more vehicles you sell, the more money you earn. You will get the most money for more valuable cars of the upper class and it pays off to concentrate on these vehicles.

In the course of a game session lasting several hours, with particularly valuable vehicles and as little loss as possible, you can earn several million GTA dollars.

This is what you have to do: The vehicle trade missions of GTA Online work as follows: After starting a mission, you will be assigned a vehicle. Pick it up and bring it to your warehouse. Be careful not to damage the vehicle too much, otherwise you will have to pay for it. Now prepare the car for sale on the computer in your vehicle warehouse.

Once you have done all this, all that remains is to sell the car and deliver it to a seller as undamaged as possible. You can make this part of the mission even easier by transporting the vehicle with a Cargobob helicopter, which are available for 1,790,000 to 2,200,000 GTA dollars at Warstock Cache & Carry.

Beim Verkauf teurer Sportwagen wollt ihr am besten möglichst keine Unfälle bauen. Achtet vor allem auf konkurrierende GTA-Online-Spieler.

Pro-Tip: There is a quite reliable method with which you can only get cars of the upper class and thus earn a lot of money. Simply collect standard and mid-range cars and don’t sell them. Once you have stored all of them, you will only be allocated top-of-the-range cars – as the game automatically prevents you from getting the same car twice.

Who we recommend this method to: We recommend import/export missions mainly to experienced players of GTA Online who stay in lobbies that are as empty as possible. These types of missions are only playable in public sessions and are often targeted by other players.

So prepare well, and ideally have a colleague with a fighter helicopter, fighter jet or Oppressor MK2 at your side to defend you against potential attackers. Since this type of sale is usually completed quite quickly, selling vehicles is also suitable for solo players. Only when selling several cars at the same time or collections do you have to rely on other players.

How to start this type of job: To start the vehicle trade of GTA Online, you must be in possession of an office and vehicle warehouse. Register as a CEO and then start an appropriate mission from your office laptop or a terror byte

Time Race and RC Time Race

– Prerequisite: A car or motorbike as powerful as possible or a remote-controlled RC Bandito, preferably tuned.
– How many players? 1
– How much money can be made? 100,000 GTA dollars per race – double if bonuses are active
– How much time do I need? Approximately two to five minutes

Die Zeitrennen von GTA Online wechseln im Wochentakt. Die Missionen findet ihr auf eurer Karte.

This is what you can earn: The Time Races and RC Time Races change once a week in GTA Online and pay pretty well: You can earn a whole 100,000 GTA dollars while you only have to invest around two minutes of time.

What you have to do: The time races and RC time races of GTA Online are actually quite self-explanatory. You have to complete a certain race track under time pressure and get paid 100,000 GTA dollars if you succeed.

In addition to the track, the required vehicle class usually varies: sometimes you need a sports car, sometimes a motorbike and, of course, the RC Bandido remote-controlled car for the RC time races.

For whom we recommend this method: Those who dare to take on the time races of GTA Online should definitely be an experienced driver and, in the best case, bring along a familiar vehicle that has quite a bit under the bonnet. Because the time trials demand a lot from you if you want to reach the finish line on time and take home 100,000 bucks.

This is how you start this type of mission
: You can find the weekly time races on the world map of GTA Online. Simply go to the point on the Los Santos map with an appropriate vehicle and put your driving skills to the test

Money Tips for Veterans and Team Players

Diamond Casino Heist

– Prerequisite: Casino for 1,235,000 to 2,530,000 GTA Dollars
– How many players? 2-4
– How much money can be made in total? Up to 3,619,000 GTA dollars – depending on loot and team members.
– How much time do I need? Approximately two hours including preparation missions

Den Diamond Casino Heist von GTA Online könnt ihr auch im Koop angehen. Ein erfahrenes Team macht im Zweifel mehr Beute.

You can earn this: Until Cayo Perico, the Diamond Casino Heist was GTA Online’s most lucrative heist. Here too, how much money you take home depends on the loot and the strength of your team. Of course, diamonds are particularly valuable as loot, with which you can make almost four million dollars – but they are not always available in GTA Online.

What you have to do: You can rob the casino in Los Santos in many different ways: Loudly, quietly or in disguise. The gameplay of the Heist finale varies quite a bit and thus remains varied. It’s best to find out for yourself which method works best for you. The Heist cannot be played alone, you need at least one other player.

To whom we recommend this method
: We recommend the Diamond Casino Heist as a method for earning money, especially to co-op players or experienced teams. If you perfect your approach here, you’ll make a lot of money.

Those who have just started GTA Online or have to rely on other players should at least give the heist a wide berth for the time being. Frustration can easily outweigh the benefits here.

How to start this type of mission: To be able to play the Diamond Casino Heist from GTA Online, you first have to meet Lester in Mirror Park. You can then purchase an arcade that will serve as the planning centre for your heist. The arcades are available via the in-game website Maze Bank Foreclosure in a price range between 1,235,000 and 2,530,000 GTA dollars.

CEO Work: Bunker Missions

– Prerequisite: Bunker for between 1,165,000 to 4,070,000 GTA dollars, public lobby.
– How many players? 1 – but we recommend that you bring reinforcements when you sell.
– How much money can be made? Between 125,000 to 1,048,000 GTA dollars per sale.
– How much time do I need? Heavily dependent on what bunker upgrades you have. You can usually run the procurement of supplies in the background

This is what you can earn: How much money you earn from bunker missions as CEO depends on a few factors. Among other things, whether and what bunker upgrades you have, whether you sell your goods in Los Santos or Blaine County, how you procured your supplies and how many goods you ultimately get rid of at once. Your profits can range from several hundred thousand to one million GTA dollars.

This is what you have to do: First of all, you have to own a bunker. Then register as a CEO in a public lobby and organise supplies via the bunker laptop. Stealing supplies costs you time, buying them costs you money. Now assign your staff to produce goods from the available supplies. In the process, supplies are consumed (all the more quickly if you do not upgrade your bunker) and you must constantly replenish them.

Once you have produced enough goods, you can start a sales mission via your bunker laptop. Other players will now be alerted to your sale and can try to destroy your goods. Therefore, only start sales missions in empty sessions or when you have brought enough reinforcements.

To whom we recommend this method
: We recommend missions of this type mainly to veterans due to the high investment for a bunker with a good location and possible upgrades. Since the production of supplies runs in the background, depending on the game style, bunker sales are a way to earn money that is mostly passive and in the background.

When selling, be sure to bring teammates to protect you during the mission. There is little more annoying than a Griefer blowing a full bunker load to pieces in front of you.

How to start this type of mission: To do bunker missions, you must own a bunker and be registered as a CEO in a public session.

Other tips for earning money in GTA Online

The methods listed above are the most efficient ways to get money fast in GTA Online in 2021. Of course, there are a few more ways that you can use to get some money handy and fast.

Turn the casino wheel of fortune every day

Once a day, you have the opportunity to spin the wheel of fortune in the Diamond Casino Resort in GTA Online. The prizes for this are quite different: You can win clothes, experience points, the current podium car or discounts on certain purchases.

Or you can win money in the form of in-game cash or casino chips called “Jetsons”, which you can exchange for free at the resort’s counter: Depending on your winnings, you can take home up to 50,000 GTA dollars and all you have to do is visit the casino and spin the wheel of fortune.

Das Podiumsfahrzeug wechselt wöchentlich in GTA Online. Neben Geld und Erfahrungspunkten gibt es auch Klamotten zu gewinnen.

Collectibles collecting and scavenger hunts

The various scavenger hunts and collectibles in GTA Online are especially interesting for newcomers. Once completed, they cannot be repeated, but they earn you a lot of money and experience points, sometimes even special weapons.

For example, the search for Solomon’s film props earns you 150,000 GTA dollars and an alien costume, and the ten antennas for the radio station Still Slipping Los Santos earn you 250,000 GTA dollars. If you need help finding one or the other collectible, our guides will always help you:

– Find all ten antennas to repair Still Slipping Los Santos
– Where to find all 10 Solomon film props
– How to unlock the Navy Revolver and earn 270,000 GTA Dollar

 Participate in Free Roam Events

If you are in a public or private session with a certain number of players, GTA Online will start a new freeroam event every 12 to 20 minutes. The challenges here are quite varied.

Sometimes you have to race through the area as accident-free as possible, sometimes you have to open your parachute as late as possible in a free fall or simply clear more checkpoints on the map than competing players.

applies to the free-roam events: The more players take part, the more money and experience points you can earn through their participation. And then, of course, you have to do particularly well to get the most out of your participation: the higher you finish in the rankings, the more you will be paid out.

Other GTA Online Heists

In our money guide to GTA Online, we have already mentioned the three most useful heists: the Fleeca Job, the Diamond Casino Heist and the Cayo Perico Heist. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the other heists in GTA Online.

Even if they don’t bring as much money as the Diamond Casino or Cayo Perico Heist, they are still quite lucrative, but above all fun. So just for the sake of variety, it doesn’t hurt to take a look at one of the following GTA Online heists from time to time:

– The Prison Break
– The Humane Labs Raid
– Series A Funding
– The Pacific Standard
– The Doomsday Heist(s) (divided into three acts: The Data Breaches, The Bogdan Problem, The Doomsday Scenario)

Der Doomsday Heist zählt spielerisch zu den Highlights von GTA Online, bring im Vergleich zu anderen Raubüberfällen aber verhältnismäßig wenig Geld.


Other CEO and MC activities of GTA Online

Import/Export vehicle sales are currently the most lucrative source of income for GTA Online’s CEO activities, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect the rest: Bunker missions, buying and selling crates and the hangar missions also bring in good money.

The missions run quite similarly, even though different warehouses are always required: You buy or steal goods from somewhere, store them and sell them at a later date for a profit. Since these missions take place exclusively in public sessions, other players pose the greatest danger to you – so prepare well or bring reinforcements.

Selling illegal goods as president of a motorbike club is the same way. So if you want to make money as a CEO or MC, you have more than enough opportunities to do just that by buying and selling crates, products, planes or even vehicles.

MC-Präsidenten von GTA Online profitieren vor allem von ihrem passiven Einkommen.