The 7 best ATS mods for every type of player

American truck simulator
American truck simulator

In American Truck Simulator there are many mods that make the game even better and more realistic. We present seven mods for every type of player.

Wir stellen euch die besten American Truck Simulator Mods für jeden Spielertyp vor.

For many players, mods are an indispensable part of American Truck Simulator. Thanks to the integrated Steam Workshop, the installation of most modifications is easy. However, map extensions or the unofficial multiplayer of TruckersMP are not available on Steam. We will also introduce you to some mods outside the workshop and explain how to install them.

Are mods allowed?

In principle, all mods from the Steam Workshop are allowed, the mods presented by us are all tolerated by the developers. However, you install and use them at your own risk. To be on the safe side, make a backup of your savegame beforehand!

How are mods installed in ATS?

The easiest way to install mods is via the Steam Workshop itself. Click on the “Subscribe” button of the desired mod and the download via Steam will start automatically.

Mods that you do not download via Steam are copied to an extra directory. If the mod is in a .ZIP archive, unpack it first and then copy the .scs files to the following folder: C:\Users\UserName\Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod.

The mods are then activated in American Truck Simulator via the mod browser. You will find the mod browser in the start screen, where you also select your profile and manage DLCs.

ATS Downgrade for Mods

There are mods that do not work with the current version of the simulation. You will get a hint in the mod browser of the game. If you click on the mod, you will get a message about compatibility. If you still want to use the modification, downgrade the ATS version on Steam:

– Right click on American Truck Simulator
– Select “Properties
– In the new window, click on “Beta” in the upper bar.
– Select the respective version from the message
– Close the window, Steam will perform the downgrade.
– Restart ATS and activate the mod in the mod browser

Mod number 1: TruckersMP

In American Truck Simulator there is now an official multiplayer, the so-called convoy mode. However, the unofficial multiplayer by TruckersMP is still by far one of the most popular ATS mods. While in Euro Truck Simulator 2 you have up to 4,000 players driving at the same time, on the servers of TruckersMP for ATS there are “only” 800 on the European server and 2,300 on the US server.

In order to use the multiplayer, you first need an account on the website of TruckersMP. Then proceed as follows:

– At least two hours of game time in ATS
– Set your Steam profile to public
– Link TruckersMP and Steam profile
– Download TruckersMP Client
– Install Mod
– Optional: TruckersMP Client Update
– Optional: Downgrade ATS version via Steam

We recommend that you use a driver profile where you already own your own truck. Otherwise you will not be able to accept orders in multiplayer via the freight market.

The most important key combinations in multiplayer: In TruckersMP there are further key combinations which make communication and driving easier for you. We have compiled the most important ones for you:

– TAB: Opens the settings of the mod in the game.
– Y: Activates the text chat
– X: Hold down the key to activate voice chat and speak
– /channel [id]: Used for ingame CB radio. [id] = 0 deactivates the radio
– /pm 123: sends a private message in text chat to the player with the respective id
– /r: reply to the last message received
– /pinfo ID: receives all necessary info about a player. This is useful for reporting on the TruckersMP website.
– /fix: Repairs the truck. Only works if a trailer is hitched up
– /help: Outputs an overview of all commands

Mod number 2: ProMods Canada

The developers at SCS Software regularly release map expansions. So far, however, Canada is missing. The team of ProMods remedies this: ProMods Canada expands the American Truck Simulator by the neighbouring country of the USA and you explore the picturesque nature with its numerous mountains, lakes and forests. You will find the respective clients and recipients everywhere: in small and large cities, or secluded in forests.

The expansion is also compatible with TruckersMP in multiplayer. You need an account on ProMods for the download. After registering, the system will guide you step by step through the process and you can then download the modification.

Add the .scs files to your ATS mod folder. ProMods is activated via the mod browser in the game itself.

Download the mod:

Mod number 3: Double trailers in convoy mode

Quelle: Steam Workshop / Sarchi

Meanwhile, some mods are also available in convoy mode, the official multiplayer of ATS. This includes the mod “Double Trailers” by Steam user Sarchi. The mod adds heavy transports and forestry machines as orders in convoy mode. With double trailers, driving in multiplayer becomes an additional challenge.

The trailers can be visually customised via the workshop. In addition to the tyres, you can change the colours or attach additional mounts.

You can subscribe to the mod directly in the Steam Workshop.

Mod number 4: SiSL’s Mega Pack

Luke als Beifahrer? Das funktioniert nicht nur im Euro Truck Simulator 2

Are you looking for a passenger or want to spruce up the cabin of your truck a bit? Then the SiSL’s Mega Pack is the mod of your choice. You get over 400 new accessories for your truck, including co-drivers, bobbleheads, electronic devices and fragrance trees. Almost no wish remains unfulfilled.

The mod is not only one of the best rated ETS 2 mods, but is also very popular for the ATS. You can find the pack directly in the Steam Workshop.

Mod number 5: Advanced SCS Traffic

Realistischer Verkehr im American Truck Simulator. Quelle: Steam Workshop / Bigyarus

In some places the AI vehicles are very prominent in ATS, in others they are not. There is no real rush hour and at night some of the roads are as busy as during the day.

The mod “Advanced SCS Traffic” by Steam user Bigyarus makes the traffic in American Truck Simulator more realistic. In the morning and evening hours there are rush hours and at night there are fewer AI vehicles on the road.

Compared to other traffic mods, the AI vehicles do not clog up intersections or roundabouts. With over 13,000 subscribers, Advanced SCS Traffic is one of the most popular ATS mods on Steam.

Mod number 6: Kenworth K100-E

Der Kenworth K100-E ist ein Klassiker unter den amerikanischen Trucks.

Fans of American trucks will certainly be familiar with the Kenworth K100. In the 70s, the brand dominated the USA and now also the charts at Steam Workshop. The Kennworth K100-E is one of the most popular ATS mods of all time and is in pole position even before the SiSL’s Mega Pack.

The mod itself has four different cabs, which you can also equip in the interior. In addition, there is the classic windshield, which was also used on the original model, and custom paint jobs that can only be seen on the K100.

You can subscribe to the Kenworth K100-E directly in Steam Workshop

Mod number 7: ATS Real Logos Project

UPS im Spiel - eine Mod macht es möglich.

In American Truck Simulator there are many licensed trucks, but no “real” brand names of shops or AI vehicles.

The mod “ATS Real Logos Project” by Keeper1st in the Steam Workshop replaces numerous fictitious logos with the real ones. Among other things, you control the “Port of Oakland” in Oakland and also meet UPS vehicles on the street – but you can’t drive them yourself with the mod.

After subscribing to the mod on Steam, you activate it in the game and can look forward to numerous real logos and brands in the game.

Do you miss a great mod in the list? Let us know in the comments! We’ll update the list regularly with new mods.