Broken RTX 3090 in New World: Firmware update provides new info

‎Broken RTX 3090 in New World
‎Broken RTX 3090 in New World

Certain RTX-3000 graphics cards from EVGA are said to have broken while playing New World. Twitter is now ruling out a possible cause.

During the now closed closed beta of the MMO New World, reports of broken graphics cards caused a stir. Certain RTX-3000 models from the manufacturer EVGA were particularly in the spotlight. EVGA has now ruled out a suspected cause of the problem via Twitter.

In said tweetis about the speeds of a fan, which are said to have briefly gone out of control unintentionally. EVGA has now announced a firmware update in the tweet and is only talking about incorrectly read data.

“No connection with speeds “

Andreas Schilling from the website in turn asked in a tweet whether the information on the firmware update would also rule out the theory of a problem with the speeds. The answer from EVGA employee Jacob Freeman confirms this:

The abbreviation “RPM” stands for “revolutions per minute”, i.e. the number of revolutions per minute of the fan (not to be confused with “rounds per minute”, i.e. shots per minute.

report from Igorslab.dehad shown that the GPU-Z tool also briefly indicated extremely high speeds in Anno 1800 when playing with an EVGA model. According to EVGA, the in-house “Precision” tool filters out the faulty values without a firmware update.

Investigations continue

Freemann also says in his reply to Schilling that EVGA is continuing to investigate what exactly led to the defective cards. Only a very small percentage is affected and models are still coming back to EVGA for analysis of the problem.

Meanwhile, the release of New World itself has been postponed by one month at short notice. The new release date is now 28 September.