Valorant – Closed Beta will start soon


At last! The closed beta of VALORANT will start in April. Today Riot announced details about the game test and how you can get access to beta keys.

VALORANT Beta starts in April
On April 7th it is finally time for all fans. Riots Shooter VALORANT starts its closed beta phase in Europe, Canada, USA, Turkey, Russia and Eastern Europe (CIS). At exactly 3am German time the servers will open for the fans in the mentioned regions. Riot plans to invite more regions into the beta phase step by step.

How to get the beta key
If you do not belong to the exclusive circle of streamers, pros and influencers who will also get access to the beta, you will need to follow three steps to get a key.

1. first, register on the official site with a Riot Account (or create a new account)
2. then connect your Twitch account with Riot’s
3. as soon as the Closed Beta will be released on April 7th, watch Twitch for selected VALORANT streams to get a key with a little luck

Places in the beta will initially be very limited, but as server capacities increase, more players will be admitted. As soon as the game is released in summer 2020, all progress will be reset so that all players start at the same level.

Are you already looking forward to the closed beta of VALORANT? Tell us via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!