Battlefield 2042: A fully occupied vehicle could become a real beast

Battlefield 2042 A fully occupied vehicle could become a true beast‎
Battlefield 2042 A fully occupied vehicle could become a true beast‎

Many vehicles in BF2042 will offer several gunner positions at once. A dataminer has now found out how much firepower is in a single infantry fighting vehicle.

It was already announced at the Reveal: Battlefield 2042 relies more on teamwork in the vehicles and wants to give co-drivers powerful tools in their hands. Now a dataminer has uncovered details on the EBAA Wildcat combat vehicle, showing off the frighteningly large arsenal in a single vehicle.

What has been discovered?

Twitter user Temporyal is scouring the game files of Battlefield 2042’s alpha for info on weapons, gadgets and more. Now he’s discovered the loadout options for the Wildcat light infantry fighting vehicle:

On paper, the vehicle sounds like a rolling fortress – at least when it’s fully manned and the crew works smartly together! These positions exist:

Driver: Various primary guns, anti-aircraft missiles, special abilities, etc.

Gunner 1: Grenade launcher, anti-aircraft gun, mortars, rockets and more

Gunner 2: Grenade launcher, minigun, rockets and more

Passenger: Tag enemies, spotting pulse

Of course, only one of the many weapon options can be equipped per seat, but with the right combination, four teammates and a bit of teamwork, the tank should be ready against just about any threat!

What’s behind it?

The developers emphasised to  that they want to develop the vehicles in BF2042 into a “platform for good team play”. Passenger seats in particular should therefore no longer feel passive and useless, but be able to play a decisive role.

DICE design director Daniel Berlin explains it this way:

“The more players that man a vehicle, the more powerful it will be. Each seat will play differently in the different vehicles. For example, we have dedicated air defence positions, spotter seats and a variety of gunner and cannoneer options. Some vehicles can even lay mines behind them to fend off pursuers. ”

Dataminer Temporyal also recently found out new info about special weapons that can be picked up on the maps. Battlefield 2042 will be released on 22 October, with an open beta expected before the end of September.