Apex Legends: Festivity reveals new gameplay trailer


EA and Respawn have released a new trailer for Apex Legends: Festivity. This one focuses mainly on the new Team Deathmatch mode, which makes its debut in the shooter

The action-packed Season Apex Legends: Festivity has some exciting features in store for the community. For example, the Team Deathmatch mode celebrates its entry into the shooter. In 6v6 matches, two teams compete against each other on Habitat 4 (Storm Point), Skull City (King”s Gulch) and Party Crasher (Solace). Whoever wins the most of the three rounds goes home victorious.

With Apex Legends: Festivity, the legend classes have also received an upgrade. From now on, they will be divided into Assault, Skirmisher, Recon, Controller and Support to give special class advantages to the strengths of each legend.

Also freshly introduced with Apex Legends: Festivity is the energy class assault rifle Nemesis. It is capable of firing four rounds per volley. With a fire delay that shortens the time between volleys and simulates a fully automatic weapon, the Nemesis is guaranteed to be a gamechanger.

To help newcomers get started in the shooter, Apex Legends: Festivity introduces orientation games. Gamers can play alone or with friends to eliminate some bots before joining the regular matching queue. This way they can familiarise themselves with the basic mechanics.

Birthday Collective Event

By the way,

Apex Legends celebrates its third birthday this year. Of course, this big anniversary has to be celebrated with some in-game events. The birthday collection event, for example, offers a community reward series and limited-time legendary cosmetic squad items.Completing the birthday collection rewards players with 150 heirloom shards for unlocking an heirloom or prestige skin of their choice.

Fans can also look forward to sign-up rewards. Players who sign up from 14 to 21 February can automatically unlock Crypto with a themed pack guaranteed to contain an item just for him. If they sign up from 21 to 28 February, players will unlock the Ash skin “Concise Agitator” and one of her themed Ash packs.