Apex Legends: Resurrection – What the Reincarnated Revenant Can Do


Last night EA and Respawn revealed the gameplay of Apex Legends: Resurrection. In the video we see the new abilities of the Reincarnated Revenant.

In a few days, the popular shooter Apex Legends (will start its new season). Among other things, Resurrection offers you Mixtape on the map Destroyed Moon Now you can try out modes like Weapon Race or Team Deathmatch in The Core or Control in the Construction Yard.
Add to that the Collection Death Dynasty event, in which game enders embody the essence of death. Meanwhile, you’ll receive double EP in Battle Royale (8 to 15 August) and Mixtape (15 to 22 August). Of course, there will also be a new Battle Pass.

The highlight of Apex Legens: Resurrection, however, is the Reincarnated Revenant Unlocked for the entire season, the Legend can even be permanently unlocked after completing challenges. His new abilities are made up as follows

  • Killer Instinct (Passive Ability): He can walk faster when crouched and climb walls better. He can also mark nearby enemies with low health.
  • Shadow Leap (Tactical Ability): With a huge leap forward, Revenant can pounce on prey further away.
  • False Shadows (Ultimate Ability): To block damage, Revenant can surround himself with hardened shadows and regenerate. On knockdowns, his shadows and tactical ability are updated.