Battlefield 2042: April update promises “several hundred changes”




In a post on the official forums, a Dice employee reveals more about the next update and promises news on maps and specialists.

After Battlefield 2042 brought back the scoreboard as a long-awaited feature in March, the April update is next in line. Now there is a little insight into what the developers are planning for this patch – well hidden in a post in the (official forum). Read more about the latest update here:

Update for Battlefield 2042 finally brings the scoreboard

What’s in the April Update

There is no list of planned changes or even full patch notes yet, after all the update is still in the works. As soon as the release gets closer, there will of course be an overview of all the changes. But Straatford87 from the development studio Dice has already told the players that several hundred changes are planned so far.

Most of them are bug fixes, but they are also working on other things. For example, vehicle balancing and weapon modifications are to be improved. In addition, other desired features such as VoIP and the scoreboard at the end of the round will return with the April update.

Changes to Maps and Specialists

In a (further comment) the Dice employee also talks about news regarding the revision of the maps. This week they want to share new information about planned map updates and their impact on the gameplay.

In addition, there should still be a statement on the design of the Specialists in April. Similar to the redesign of the maps, central points of criticism will be identified and some solutions announced. How far possible changes could go here and whether we could see a partial return of the class system is not yet foreseeable.

But a return to the classes is perhaps already planned for the next Battlefield, which is supposed to learn from the mistakes of its predecessor.