Battlefield 2042 brings launch update – All patch notes at a glance

Battlefield 2042 launch Update


The release of Battlefield 2042 is imminent. Electronic Arts makes final adjustments with the update 0.21.

18.11.2021 By Anna-Janina Stoehr

Developer Electronic Arts announced the update 0.21 to Battlefield 2042 on Wednesday. The game will be released on November 19, so these changes are expected to be the last before the official release.

Those who bought the Ultimate Edition of Battlefield 2042 have been able to compete against other players on the battlefield since Friday in Early Access. The worldwide launch for the rest of the community is still to come. EA has now implemented the collected feedback of the Alpha and Beta phase with update 0.21.

Above all, the stability of the servers, the Hazard Zone mode and problems with Rubber Banding have been addressed. This refers to a bug where opponents (or the end of the game itself) are suddenly “teleported” to a previous position because the network connection is overloaded.

All changes at a glance:

  • Server-side upgrades have been implemented that aim to reduce the occurrence of Rubber Banding, which often occurs in the later part of a round in All-Out Warfare mode.
  • Stuttering when playing on Breakaway has been significantly reduced. When the silos are destroyed, this should no longer affect the performance of the server.
  • Similar incidents on other maps are still being investigated.
  • When viewing allies on your team, their names will now be displayed correctly.
  • Adjusted the animations for Falck during the End of Round sequence to ensure it displays correctly.
  • Updated a skin that can be earned for Boris via Mastery progression, with a new name: Gator.
  • Ensured that TDM rounds in Battlefield Portal always start with the “Random Deploy” setting. Occasionally this was not the case when switching from round to round, but the bug has now been fixed.
  • A number of steps have been taken to ensure that the correct number of AI spawns occur in custom Battlefield Portal modes with the “Free for All” default setting.
  • PC Only – Specialist selection in Hazard Zone has been enabled through mouse interaction, eliminating the need to lock the selection with the spacebar.
  • Fixed a rare issue in Hazard Zone that sometimes caused the flow to not activate correctly at the end of the round to ensure the correct amount of bonus XP was awarded.
  • Fixed an issue in Hazard Zone that could cause players to show up on the map even though they were not visible or detected.
  • Fixed an issue where Extraction Streaks were not updating correctly in Hazard Zone.