Battlefield 2042: Experts worried about the specialist balance

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Even before release, Battlefield 2042’s specialists are causing big headaches for renowned players. Read here what criticism is being voiced.

Battlefield 2042 is not yet released and fans are already meticulously picking apart every scrap of gameplay video. Recently, the remaining five Specialists and their abilities have been revealed – and several notable influencers are expressing deep concern.

Here we draw on new videos from the wide-reaching YouTubers Westie and JackFrags, both known as great shooter and Battlefield experts. And both express irritation and concern towards two of the newly introduced specialists in Battlefield 2042, specifically Dozer and Ji-Soo Paik, that they could be compromising the balance.

(Which ten Specialists are confirmed in Battlefield 2042, you can read in our article)

What are the experts criticising?

Westie elaborates on why he thinks Specialist Ji-Soo Paik’s skills are a balance hazard. Briefly, what the fighter can do: Paik uses a scanner to mark enemies who are in cover. This makes campers behind corners red through walls visible.

In principle, Westie considers this gadget to be a wall hack that has a lot of potential to worsen the game experience in Battlefield 2042. However, the YouTuber points out that we don’t know all the details yet. For example, it could alleviate the circumstances if marked players received a warning about the ping. Westie also gives the developers credit for the fact that marking does not take effect if opponents are not hidden behind cover.

You can see the full video here, the section on Paik starts from 06:31:

JackFrags takes Dozer to task, calling one skill fundamentally broken. It’s about his ballistic shield, which he apparently uses to reflect enemy bullets in the Specialist trailer for Battlefield 2042. It can be seen how the enemy player character Maria Falck is even defeated by her own bullets when she shoots at the ballistic shield for too long.

JackFrags says the feature doesn’t fit a Battlefield game. He fears it could become very annoying to fight players with Riot Shield. Blocked bullets are one thing, but reflecting shots is a step too far.

You can see the complete video here, the corresponding scene starts at 00:53:

By the way, both YouTubers agree on Dozer and Ji-Soo Paik, citing similar arguments as to why they think the abilities are overpowering, inappropriate or balance threatening.

What do you think? Are the two specialists too powerful, do you see potential for frustration, or would you rather wait and see how it all really shapes up in the end? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments!