Battlefield 2042 gets classes again: Here’s how they should work


Just recently, a developer video announced the return of the class system from the previous Battlefield games. Now a community manager reveals further details.

It is one of the decisions for which players criticised the developers of Battlefield 2042 the most: The abolition of the class system and the introduction of the Specialists did not go down well with many fans. At least partially, DICE now wants to reverse this change and reintroduce the classes. Now we learn more about the developers’ plans.

This is how the classes should work

The latest information comes from the EA forums. Here explains (Community Manager Straatford87) how they plan to merge Specialists and Classes:

What happens to the Specialists?

The return of the class system does not mean that the Specialists introduced with 2042 will be removed from the game again. Instead, each of them will be assigned to a specific class. They will also retain their special abilities and equipment.

What classes will there be?

As in other Battlefield games, there will be 4 classes. Their designation and probably also their function is similar to the classes in Battlefield 4. There will be assault soldiers, pioneers, supply soldiers and reconnaissance soldiers.

Will weapons and equipment be restricted?

All weapons will still be available for each class, no restrictions are planned. However, gadgets such as ammo boxes, tools or C5 explosives will be limited to certain classes. The various grenades will also each be assigned to a specific class. For example, a storm trooper would not be able to carry any tools or an ammunition box in the future, and would only be able to equip fragmentation and smoke grenades.

This is likely to make assault soldiers specialise in healing teammates, sappers specialise in repairing and destroying vehicles, supply soldiers specialise in resupplying ammunition, and reconnaissance soldiers specialise in sifting enemies.

Which Specialist goes to which class?

The developers recently presented a first possible division of the Specialists into classes in a new video. However, this should not be regarded as final and changes could still be made.

This is how the Specialists should be divided up so far:

  • Storm Soldier: Mackay, Sundance, Dozer
  • Pioneer: Graves, Boris, Lis
  • Provider: Maria, Angel
  • Scouts: Paik, Casper, Rao