Battlefield 2042: Insider explains how chaotic beta could happen


The Open Beta has caused a lot of criticism among players. Now leaker Tom Henderson explains the alleged problems in development.

It’s obvious that not everything is going well with Battlefield 2042 this year. After all, the release was postponed at short notice, there was practically radio silence for weeks, players worried because hardly any gameplay was shown. And after the beta, many critical voices were raised: technical problems, removed features that were a matter of course in the predecessors and so on.

The developers want to calm things down and emphasise that this is an outdated build, and that everything should be much better by the time of the final release.

According to the well-known leaker,Tom Henderson there are, however, major problems behind the scenes, some of which are said to run through the entire development. He refers to anonymous employees at DICE, so the information cannot be verified. However, he has been reliably correct with his predictions about Battlefield 2042 in recent months. As always, you should still take the leaks with a grain of salt.

What allegedly went wrong during development?
Henderson believes that the controversial beta build is not even several months old, but corresponds to the status of early September. This is what his source told him, but he does not know the exact date.

Even in the trailer for Open Beta, details can be seen that did not make it into the test phase, such as additional obstacles in front of the rocket platform. Despite the postponement of the beta, the version is said not to have been further revised. So, according to Henderson, you played the same thing you would have seen in the originally earlier planned test phase.

Allegedly, the developers are having massive stability issues with certain versions of the game. This is also the main reason why no material was shown at gamescom 2021 or in the weeks after. We also had technical problems again and again in the beta, which spoiled the flow of the game

Problems with the management

Two anonymous employees had told Henderson that many of the game’s problems were due to communication difficulties between developers and management. It is alleged that senior managers ignored the concerns and objections of staff. Creative freedom was restricted in order to “become more like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)”, the statement continues.

According to Henderson, this model was also the reason why the classes in Battlefield 2042 were replaced by specialists. At a beta event, numerous content creators were invited who mainly deal with Call of Duty, but some Battlefield experts had to take a back seat.

Henderson is not the only one who is critical of the new Battlefield. The well-known Youtuber SkillUp has also dedicated an entire video to the topic, in which he shows the many construction sites of the beta:

We have already asked EA for a statement and will of course add if we get an answer: