Battlefield 2042: Long-awaited update with 400 changes will be released next week




Next week, the time has finally come: Patch 4.0 for Battlefield 2042 implements, among other things, the scoreboard at the end of the round and 400 other changes.

After several postponements, the big patch 4.0 for Battlefield 2042 is finally supposed to be released next week. Among other things, it implements the scoreboard at the end of the round, which has been hotly anticipated by the community. The complete patch notes will only be announced in a few days, but the most important features have already been published via Twitter.

The most important changes in patch 4.0

DICE’s community manager Kevin Johnson already gave first info on Twitter about the upcoming patch, which will be released next week for Battlefield 2042.

  • The changes so far at a glance
  • Integration of VoIP. (Voice over IP)
  • A scoreboard that is displayed at the end of the round.
  • Balancing changes to vehicles.
  • Adjustment of experience points for team play and support.
  • The ribbons (awards at the end of the round) can be unlocked more easily.
  • Revised weapon attachment properties.
  • Revised Rao, Sundance and Paik properties.
  • The damage of the Bolte missiles has been revised so that passengers can be hit more easily.
  • When exiting a vehicle, there should no longer be an error with the ADS.
  • Players can now be revived near obstacles again without any problems.
  • 400+ more bug fixes.

Back in March, we reported that the maps and specialists, among other things, would be getting a kicking. The complete patch notes will be published next week for the release.


Player numbers keep dropping

The fact that something has to change is shown above all by the player numbers. As we reported a few days ago, the new low of under 1,000 concurrent players on Steam has been reached. Of course, one should not forget the players who play via the Origin launcher, but it is still not a good sign.

Even the predecessors like Battlefield 5 or Battlefield 4 are currently played by more players. Another sign that Patch 4.0 is all the more important for DICE to get lost fans back on board. Whether this will work and whether the changes will be sufficient remains to be seen. After all, barely six months after release, Season 1 has not even started yet.


Next Battlefield part reportedly already in the works

New part already in the works: According to industry insider Tom Henderson, internal work on the seventh part has already started. The majority of the team is nevertheless still working on Battlefield 2042 in order to release the promised four seasons for the players. The seventh part is also said to be in the early conception phase, which is why there are no official details yet.

In our news we have listed all the speculations Tom Henderson has made public for you. However, it remains to be seen whether these will prove to be true. At least the team is said to have learned from the failure and want to do a lot of things differently in the next Battlefield title.

Battlefield 7 in the works according to insider, learns “valuable lessons from 2042”

What do you think of the changes from patch 4.0 so far? Will you give Battlefield 2042 a second chance or would you have preferred different patches? Let us know in the comments!