Battlefield 2042: Many beta problems have long since been fixed, according to DICE

Battlefield 2042 Beta bugs


The first players can finally lay hands on the beta of Battlefield 2042 and encounter some problems. But according to DICE, there’s nothing to worry about.

Finally on the battlefield! The beta of Battlefield 2042 has opened its doors – at least for pre-orderers who, thanks to Early Access, can shoot their bullets two days before everyone else. But according to many testers, there is still sand in the gears in some parts of the gameplay and bugs are still being added. According to DICE, however, this is not a foretaste of the final version.

Beta build already several months old

During a press event, DICE also commented on the technical problems of the beta and had a simple explanation ready, why the current state of the game should not be a bad omen for the release in November: The beta build is already several months oldt!

The version therefore no longer represents the current state and some of the problems from the beta have already been fixed, for example in the kill feed and balancing. Insiders do not assume that DICE will postpone the shooter again. Therefore, it remains to be hoped that the studio will be able to resolve the shortcomings in time.

However, Tom Henderson, who is usually considered well-informed, is sceptical about the current state of affairs and the reasoning, as he clarified on Twitter. He could not recall any developer studio highlighting the outdated state of a beta before it was even launched.

Known problems of the BF 2042 Beta

Those of you who want to enter the beta on 8 October 2021 at the latest should know beforehand what problems you might encounter. Therefore, DICE has already published a list of known bugs, which you can read in detail on the platform EA Answers

In addition to minor problems with the graphic display and performance, there is talk of missing HDR on the PC, deactivated VOIP support and control quirks. Furthermore, despite the cross-play feature, for the time being you will only be able to squad up with players from the same platform.

We have compiled all further information on the Battlefield 2042 Open Beta for you in our big overview. Here you can find out everything about the duration, participation and scope.

Are you one of the pre-orderers and have you already played Battlefield 2042? What is the state of the game and above all: Did you have fun? Feel free to write us in the comments!