Battlefield 2042: More and more fans demand their money back via petition

Battlefield 2042 More and more fans are demanding their money back

Battlefield 2042 still does not enjoy a good reputation in the community. Now a petition, through which dissatisfied players demand their money back, is experiencing a new upswing.

Battlefield 2042 is not doing so well at the moment – to put it mildly. The title is plagued by numerous problems, players are dwindling in droves and new updates are still a long time coming. Many fans are correspondingly unhappy about the state of Battlefield 2042 and this is now showing (in a petition).

It’s been around for a while, but is just now really picking up steam. At the time of publishing this article, over 50,000 participants have already reclaimed their money via the petition, calling Battlefield 2042 unplayable and accusing EA of misleading advertising.

Fans demand money back via petition

What is it about? In the course of the petition, numerous players express their dissatisfaction with Battlefield 2042. Specifically, not only the launch of the multiplayer shooter is criticised, but also the lack of updates and unfulfilled promises. According to the description, Battlefield 2042 was already unplayable at the time of release, and not much has been done until today – three months later.

And while it is possible for Steam users to reclaim their money, console owners are denied this chance. The petition now aims to get Sony and Microsoft to refund Battlefield 2042 players because of EA’s misleading advertising and DICE’s false promises.

Petition is already a success

Meanwhile, about 107,000 users have expressed their support for the petition, but whether it will be crowned with success remains to be seen. What is certain, however, is that Battlefield 2042 has put a serious damper on the community. It will be exciting to see whether DICE and EA can win back alienated customers – be it with updates and maintenance of 2042 or a completely new part.

What’s next for Battlefield 2042?

Battlefield 2042 has not only disappointed gamers: EA definitely expected more from the multiplayer shooter – nevertheless, they do not want to give up the project. Accordingly, new updates and patches will continue to come. But they will still be a while in coming.

Patience is currently indispensable: After a postponement, the next update will not be released until March, while Season 1 will start in the summer of 2022 – and thus almost half a year after the original release. Whether that will be enough remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, Battlefield 2042 isn’t even in the Steam Top 100 anymore and influencers are bailing too. Even a major cheat manufacturer has abandoned the DICE title because the business is simply not worth it anymore due to the lack of players.

There are also winners: At least other representatives of the genre are profiting from the shooter debacle: for example, the small F2P shooter BattleBit celebrated an unexpected success on Steam and a parody entitled Clownfield 2042 became a crowd favourite.

Why, for example, a Free2Play solution wouldn’t be enough to save Battlefield 2042, and what DICE needs to deliver instead:

Battlefield 2042: The Free2Play emergency solution will not be enough

What do you think of the petition from disgruntled Battlefield fans? What do you think DICE and EA need to do? Let us know in the comments