Battlefield 2042 Open Beta: Exact Start Time, Requirements & Early Access Keys

Battlefield 2042 Curent Info

The Battlefield 2042 Open Beta is underway. We give you all the info on the launch and how you can participate!

Battlefield 2042 will no longer be released on 22 October 2021, but will be delayed by a few weeks. But in the course of an open beta you will have the opportunity to play the new DICE shooter before the release. But when exactly will the beta start and how can you participate? We summarise all the latest information!

Our conclusion on the beta is already clear: We have already spent a few hours in the game before the launch, recorded gameplay scenes and explain here what the Beta says about the final game:

Battlefield 2042: All info on the beta
Beta Dates: Launch & Preload
EA and DICE have finally officially announced the Open Beta, confirming Tom Henderson’s leaks. Besides the dates and start times, there is now also a brand new gameplay trailer and the system requirements.

But for now, here are the dates of the beta (German times):

  • 6 October 2021: Early Access of the Beta from 9 a.m.
  • 8 October 2021: Open Access of the Beta for all from 11 a.m. (postponed at short notice)
  • 10 October 2021: End of the beta at 9 a.m.

Application: How do I get a key for Early Access?

From 8 October, anyone can take part in the beta without a key. PC players simply throw on the download via the EA client Origin, there are no costs for it. But how do you get pre-access to play two days early? The following options are available:

Preorder: If you buy Battlefield 2042 in advance (no matter in which edition), you will get a code with Early Access for the beta. If you decide against the purchase afterwards, you can cancel the pre-order in most shops. The PC version is available on Steam, Origin, Epic and Amazon, for example.
EA Play: The pre-order access to the Battlefield beta is already included in the EA game subscription, you only have to log in with the corresponding account at EA and can then download the beta client. A pre-order is not necessary.

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: Microsoft’s game subscription also includes early access to the beta, so all Ultimate customers will also get access from October 6. Whether the subscription is worthwhile for you.

Early access to the final game

Although Battlefield 2042 will be released on November 19, the first players will be allowed to access the servers on November 12. This Early Access is independent of the beta and is open to buyers of the Gold or Ultimate Edition as well as subscribers of EA Play Pro. Members of EA Play and Xbox Game Pass will receive a 10-hour trial access to the full version from 12 November.

Content: What does the beta offer?

The beta includes a Conquest map and four playable Specialists, as well as a selection of vehicles and weapons from the final game. Included are:

  • Map: Orbital, a medium sized map with rocket launch pad
  • Game Mode: Conquest, the classic battle for flag points
  • Specialists: Casper, Boris, Falck, Mackay (read more about their skills here)
  • Specialists: Casper, Boris, Falck, Mackay (read more about their skills with us

Some systems have been specially adapted for the beta. For example, equipment is already unlocked that must first be earned in the launch version so that you can test as many weapons, gadgets and vehicles as possible. In addition, the new anti-cheat system of BF2042 will already be active in the beta.

The content of the beta will explicitly not be transferred to the final game, so everyone will start at level 1 without unlocks at release!

System requirements of the beta

The developers have also announced the system requirements. In addition to the specifications here, broadband internet and DirectX 12 are urgently needed. You can check if the beta is running on your system here:

By the way, the storage space figure refers to the final game and not to the beta, which is much smaller. For the beta download you have to calculate about 20 GB download plus updates, depending on the platform.

How can I download the client? Read our guide to find out exactly how downloading and installing works on the various PC platforms!

Platforms: Where can I play the Beta?

Like the final game, you can play the Battlefield beta on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. On the LastGen consoles only 64-player lobbies are supported, on all others you can also play with 128 players. On PC you have the choice between several platforms: Steam, Origin and the Epic Game Store.

Crossplay confirmed: There will be optional crossplay between PC, Xbox Series and PlayStation 5 in the beta. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One can also play together, as the maps are smaller and player numbers are lower here.

But with restrictions: In the upcoming beta, crossplay parties will be disabled. Friends on different platforms will therefore not be able to join squads and play together. However, this will be possible at the full release of Battlefield 2042.

Cross-Progression: EA announced that all unlocks, skins, badges and in-game purchases will be transferable between platforms. So if you unlock a certain weapon on PC, you will be able to use it on PS5 afterwards as long as you play with the same EA account. However, beta progress will not be carried over into the final game.

Release and what else is important

The release of Battlefield 2042 is scheduled for 19 November 2021 after a short postponement, pre-orderers of the Gold and Ultimate Editions as well as EA Play subscribers will be able to get their hands on it a few days earlier, namely from 12 November.

Alles wichtige zu Battlefield: If you want to prepare yourself for the release of Battlefield 2042, we have the perfect overview for you. We provide you with everything about the maps, classes, weapons, setting and more:

Are you looking into the Battlefield 2042 beta? Or would you rather wait for the final release in November? Let us know in the comments