Battlefield 2042: Players have a long wish list of features after the beta

Battlefield 2042 Players have a long wish list


The Battlefield 2042 open beta is over, now the fan discussions are in full swing. Many players miss certain features from the predecessors.

Just a few weeks left until the release of Battlefield 2042! Very little time to tweak the game and implement critical fan feedback from the open beta. And many players are actually not too happy with the shooter after the test phase. It is little consolation that the game is supposedly already running much better.

On Reddit, user GreenyMyMan has published a wish list in the form of a video and is gaining widespread approval. Many Battlefield fans would go even further with their demands – would you? Or are you completely satisfied?

The players’ wish list

The current much-watched video by GreenyMyMan lasts just under five minutes. You can watch it in full here:

Features from older BF games that were removed from BF 2042, hopefully we see some of these features back, like "nearby medics" and the score/ damage feed from battlefield2042

In particular, many users in the comments would like to see improvements in the following areas – or the return of old ideas from the series.

Movement: In earlier parts of the series, for example, it was still possible to push backwards while lying on your back. Or to lean out of cover to stay better protected.
Map changes: In Battlefield 2042, buildings can no longer be flattened with tanks or brought down with rocket launchers. Many players therefore urgently want more destruction

Build stationary weapons and cover: It used to be possible to build cover from sandbags or improvised walls. And many players miss powerful stationary weapons that would be especially useful against the many aerial displays in Battlefield 2042.
Visibility: A particularly frequent criticism is that it is difficult to distinguish between allies and enemies. Sometimes the names do not appear above fellow players, especially at greater distances it becomes confusing. Since there are no longer any factions either, many find it doubly difficult to differentiate in the heat of battle.

And many seemingly minor details are also important to users – such as the fact that you can’t drive a tank under water in Battlefield 2042. Or that grenades can’t be launched in the air. At least there is good news for those who can’t do much with the new maps and modes: Thanks to Battlefield Portal, creative fans can build their very own scenarios.

After the last postponement, the release is planned for 19 November 2021. The final build is supposed to be at least technically more mature than the beta version. It remains to be seen how many of the fans’ wishes will make it into the finished game.