Battlefield 2042: Season 4 is now live – here are all the patch notes.


With Season 4, some new content in Battlefield 2042 is going live again. We show you all the patch notes and important info here.

Battlefield 2042 will release its next big Season Update on 28 February 2023. Players can look forward to a new map, a stealth-focused specialist, a light tank and other new content. When it starts, how much you have to download and all other important info we show you here. Of course, we also have the detailed patch notes for you:

  • Release: When does it start?
  • Download: How much do I need to download?
  • Content: What”s new in Season 4?
  • Patch Notes: What changes in detail?

    Battlefield 2042: All info on Update 4.0

    Release: When will it start?

    You can download and play the update 4.0 with all its improvements and the new map since February 28 at 10:00 am  However, the new Battlepass, which allows you to unlock content such as the Specialist, new weapons and the vehicle, will only go live at 13:00 

    Download: How much do I need to download?

    The download size for Update 4.0 is about 7.3 gigabyteson PC. While you wait for the new content to download, you can get in the mood with the gameplay trailer for Season 4:

    Content: What”s new in Season 4?

    As with every season, Battlefield 2042 will be expanded with a new specialist, a map, a vehicle, weapons and more. We present the contents briefly, more detailed information can be found in the large overview of Season 4.

    • New Specialist (Recon): Camila Blasco specialises in ambushes and cannot be located with movement-based gadgets. She also has a jammer that prevents detection by enemy gadgets within a certain radius and displays enemy technology.
    • New map: Flashpoint sends you to an industrial complex in the desert of South Africa. In addition to open areas that are well-suited for vehicle combat, there are also smaller indoor areas that are exclusively used for close combat with enemy infantry.

    • New vehicle: The CAV Brawler is a light tank especially suited for use against infantry. It has room for a total of 5 soldiers, plus allies can spawn by the vehicle even when it is full. To ensure that you are not easily taken out, the vehicle also has reliable defence systems.
    • New Weapons: A total of 4 new weapons will be added to the Battlefield 2042 arsenal in Season 4:
      • Super 500: A compact shotgun that you equip as a sidearm.
      • RM 68: An assault rifle with bullpup design and integrated silencer.
      • AC9: A submachine gun with very accurate hip fire.
      • RPT-31: A penetrating machine gun with low rate of fire.

      • New Vault Weapons: From Portal Mode, two more weapons are coming to Standard Modes. They are the SVK semi-automatic sniper rifle and the Type 88 machine gun with a large 200-round magazine.
      • Battle Pass: As usual, playing the new Season unlocks content and cosmetic rewards in the free Battle Pass. If you buy the Premium Pass, you get even more precious items, some of which you can already see in the trailer:

      Patch Notes

      General Improvements

      • The sequence at the end of the round now explains what will happen after this transition period. For example, if you switch sides or stay in the lobby. You will also get a prompt to confirm that you want to quit. This should reduce accidental disconnections to the main menu.
      • Fixed an issue where reaching Extraction Series 3 in Hazard Zone with Crawford and Zain would not unlock the Acceptable Risk player card background.
      • Fixed an issue where vehicle icons would flicker while the large map was open.
      • When zooming in on the mini map, the icons will no longer zoom in as well.
      • Added an option to adjust the size of the mini map icons.
      • Added an option that scales the size of the mini map icons with the visibility of the mini map (enabled by default).
      • Fixed an issue where the graphic of a ping was not displayed correctly.
      • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the VFX of the base circle to be missing during a position ping.

      Controller assignment
      Update 3.2.0 and the return to the class system have required an update to the default assignment for controller layouts, taking into account the new class gadget slot and associated gameplay changes. Due to these changes, we need to reset Custom Layouts for Controllers. The following assignments will be reset to avoid further conflicts with the new default layouts:

      • Cast Grenade
      • Switch primary weapon / open plus menu
      • Plus menu navigation (selection of extensions)

      We recommend that you familiarise yourself with these changes and update and readjust your controls before entering a game.

      Battlefield Portal

      • Portal – Battlefield 3 – Fixed an issue with the SMAW/RPG-7V2 that caused the missile to deflect into the ground when shooting into a fence.
      • Portal – Battlefield 3 – Fixed an issue where detonation SFX were not working correctly when using a C4 remote detonator.
      • For individual Portal experiences with PvP AI (not PvE) and otherwise no change other than on the map list, Order Ribbon XP, Championship progression to rank 12, and weekly missions are enabled (instead of the usual restricted XP).



      • The Penguins filled a hole near B1 that match ends couldn”t get out of if they fell victim to it. Cheeky penguins.
      • Fixed a graphics issue with smoke coming from the two silos near the waste pools.


      • Fixed an issue that caused the sector lines between sectors D and C to overlap during conquest.


      • Fixed an issue where game enders would sometimes spawn in a container in FFA and FFA Weapon Master modes.
      • Fixed an issue where the camera would sometimes not behave as intended during the intro in Conquest.


      • Fixed an issue in Storm Conquest where game ends would spawn outside the playfield when trying to spawn at Conquest Point A.


      • Melee takedowns for standing and crouching soldier:in are now more consistent.
      • Behaviour in prone position on steep slopes has been improved.
      • Improved zipline behaviour when a vehicle is parked in close proximity.
      • Fixed an issue where the camera would sometimes get stuck when using a ladder.
      • Fixed an issue that caused the audio to play from the wrong direction when turned off.
      • Fixed an issue where the icon of the selected weapons could disappear when using a ladder.



      • Fixed an issue where Casper”s reconnaissance drone OV-P could destroy certain map objects where it was not intended.


      • Fixed an issue where no health bar was displayed as Crawford while repairing Boris” guard system and rangers.


      • Fixed an issue where the throwing knife would create a ricochet bullet when hitting Dozer”s ballistic shield.


      • Fixed an issue where shockwaves from explosions could interrupt Falck”s self-healing interaction.


      • The max. range of Lis” G-84 TGM has been reduced from 600 m to 475 m.
      • The boost speed of Lis” G-84 TGM after a boost has been reduced from 150 m/s to 110 m/s.
      • The turning angles of Lis” G-84 TGM have been reduced.
      • The input voltage when boosting with the G-84 TGM has been adjusted to the new rotation angles.
      • The acceleration modifier when boosting with Lis” G-84 TGM has been reduced from 1.85x to 1.15x.

      Developer Comment: With these adjustments, we aim to raise Li”s skill cap (more skill required until championship) and ease the vehicle play experience.

      The adjustments introduced in this update make the rocket less manoeuvrable and severely affect its ability to get back on course after a miss.

      With the reductions in acceleration and speed, vehicle players now have a greater chance of still being able to react to a missile inbound.

      In addition, players with the TGM should have a clear target before firing, which was not the case in update 3.2.1. All the changes along with boost acceleration and reductions in speed and maximum range should fix this issue.


      • Fixed an issue that prevented Paik from using her EMG-X scanner on passenger seats.


      • Fixed an issue that caused the sound to trigger when updating the air detonation distance of Zain”s XM370A air detonation rifle, even though there was no reason to do so.


      • Fixed an issue where the EMP grenade was not disabling some vehicle weapons as intended and also not triggering VFX.
      • Fixed an issue where some gadgets could hit enemy soldiers through autonomous gates.
      • Fixed an issue where using the T-UGS could cause unwanted screen shake.
      • Fixed an issue where the SFX for C5”s remote ignition were not playing correctly.
      • Storm Soldiers can now carry a maximum of two medical sticks. After spawning, you still have one at your disposal.
      • Fixed an issue with the M18 Claymore so that the blast is now exclusively forward facing.
      • The M18 Claymore can no longer destroy building walls, which is more in line with its intended purpose.
      • The tank mine has been adjusted so that it fits better into the terrain.
      • Fixed an issue where damage from a player-operated stationary Vulcan granted Vehicle Assist XP when a team member destroyed it.
      • When pinging a neutral stationary Vulcan, position pings are no longer displayed.


      • Fixed an issue where air radar was present even though the mini map was disabled.
      • Reworked the crosshairs on the UAV-1 drone.
      • Fixed an issue with the active protection system in vehicles that sometimes caused the VFX to play twice after a successful interception.
      • Fixed an issue where vehicle wheels would sometimes move in a lift.
      • Fixed an issue where both crosshairs of the M5C Bolte would display hit marks when the missiles were equipped.
      • The rangefinder in vehicles now goes up to 100+ instead of 200+.
      • Using a knife on a light vehicle now has less impact,. As said before, the adamant for knives has not been invented yet, and this still applies.
      • Fixed an issue where tracer ammo would sometimes split when firing the canister.
      • The passenger threat detection system sound in the EMKV90-TOR now plays as intended.
      • When piloting a vehicle, target detection sounds will no longer play for passengers.
      • APS no longer remains active after a vehicle has been hacked.
      • Brake lights on vehicles are no longer as bright on Stranded.

      Aircraft specific

      • Aero drag improvements on ailerons and elevators to allow jets to pitch more smoothly.
      • When pitching down, the turning is faster than when pitching down, as intended.
      • The vertical take-off mode is now correctly activated for F35 and Condor.
      • The turning flight of the F35 has been adjusted and now fits better to the SU-57 Felon.


      • Fixed a graphics problem with the PKS-07 scope when aiming through sights.
      • Fixed an issue where a bipod on any surface reduced scatter by 40% instead of 20% as intended.
      • Fixed an issue where the weapon stats in the collection menu would sometimes show up in both the advantages and disadvantages.


      • When opening the Plus menu, the AC-42 no longer causes clipping errors on the screen.


      • Fixed an issue where the MTAR-21 had an incorrect head hit multiplier.
      • The Heavy Barrel upgrade for the MTAR-21 now affects recoil, dispersion, bullet velocity and rate of fire.
      • Fixed an issue where the MTAR-21 would not display a volley fire mode in the weapon details.


      • Fixed an issue where the M416 had an incorrect head hit multiplier.


      • The NVK-22 no longer has a defective reload animation when resupplying.
      • The NVK-22 will no longer fire twice if you hold the fire button during the reload animation.

      XM8 LMG

      • The magazine counter of the LMG XM8 now works correctly.


         Are you excited for the fourth season of Battlefield 2042? Are you looking forward to the new content? Are new specialists, maps, vehicles or weapons more important to you? And how do you like the shooter with the improvements so far? Feel free to let us know in the comments!