Battlefield 2042 squad tests the limits of the shooter with flying tanks




Can tanks be turned into flying fighting machines in Battlefield 2042? One squad tried it out and showed it off in a video.

Nearly two weeks after the release of Battlefield 2042, there is still a lot of talk about bugs, missing features and other issues that DICE still needs to address. In between, however, there are the “Only in Battlefield” moments that show what the new multiplayer shooter can offer.

One of these moments is now presented by the well-known shooter-YouTuber (jackfrags) on his channel. There he shows how he taught tanks to fly together with his squad in order to heat up his opponents with them.


If a tank comes flying …

The action that jackfrags and his squad undertook was not quite so simple after all. The idea of putting tanks on an air vehicle requires a certain amount of intuition – vehicle request system or not. Not for nothing does the team experiment with different tanks, air vehicles and methods, first and foremost the M5C Bolte on an MV-38 Condor.

In the montage, jackfrags and his team get closer to their goal bit by bit and finally manage to place tanks on aircraft in such a way that they can even enter the fray flying – even if only more or less successfully. Because putting a tank on the Condor or even on a fighter jet is one thing, keeping it on it effectively and fighting with it is quite another.

Best see for yourself:

The action with the flying tanks may not be very purposeful for a match, but it obviously brings entertaining variety into the battle turmoil. It also shows once again how players in Battlefield games test the limits and create memorable moments.

And all without the much-advertised Tornadoes, which can currently be exploited in a special way for locomotion thanks to a grappling hook glitch:

Grappling hook glitch in Battlefield 2042 suspends all laws of nature

But even this glitch is likely to have an expiration date. After all, DICE is working on fixing the bugs in Battlefield 2042. The next update is Update 3, which is supposed to make sure that we finally hit the enemies more reliably again, since the hit registration is supposed to be adjusted.

What do you think of the action in the video? Feel free to post it in the comments and tell us if you have already tried something similar.