Battlefield 2042 – The best tips & tricks with the C5!

Battlefield 2042 – The best tips & tricks with the C5


C5 is a gadget in Batltlefield 2042 that allows you to blow up enemies using remote detonation. We show you all the things you can do with C5.

The plastic explosive C4 (C5 in this case) used in the military is often present in the arsenal of war games. The staple bomb was also repeatedly implemented in other predecessor games of the Battlefield series. The C5 stands out above all for its ability to stick to surfaces. With a skilful throw, you can thus also easily take out moving targets in Battlefield 2042.

Once the C5 is in place, you only have to activate the ignition with a remote control. The C5 is not only worth its weight in gold in hectic close combat against tanks, but also allows you to get into creative mischief.

The C5 Jeep

Place your C5 bombs on the bonnet or seats of a vehicle, as in this video, and you can drive it around looking for enemies. When you spot a target, drive towards the enemy at high speed and get out of the car just before the collision. Now fire the C5 and enjoy the fireworks.

The C5 drone

The next trick is a real trick. For this one you have to select the class “Reconnaissance” and also select a C5 in your inventory. Launch the drone and exit the POV camera. Now you can stick plenty of C5s on your drone and return to the controls. Et voilà, you have made a flying bomb.

Whether it’s single players or tanks, your drone is no longer just for spotting enemies, but also a deadly surprise for the enemy team.

Death from above

Last but not least, the C5 is extremely efficient when you are gliding with your parachute. With a little practice, you will quickly get a feel for dropping a C5 at the right time to eliminate would-be attackers before you land. Just give it a try!