Battlefield 2042: The unofficial Battle Royale is surprisingly complex


One player has managed to do what developers say is impossible: recreate a real Battle Royale in Portal mode. The project is called Warfield 100.

For a long time there was speculation whether Hazard Zone would become a Battle Royale for Battlefield 2042. In the meantime, of course, it has turned out – well, not really. And according to the developers, it won’t be possible to simply build the mode yourself in Portal. But Reddit user (chbmg) did it after all.

Warfield 100 is the name of the fan mode, and the reference to Warzone is no coincidence: in the unofficial Battlefield Battle Royale, you also parachute over an arena in which a circle narrows ever closer – and there’s even a gulag. Pardon, prison.

What’s in Warfield 100?

How the mode works: There is room for up to 100 players in the lobby, each fighting on their own. Before the actual match, there is a preliminary round in which you can collect a few kills and XP. Then the round starts with a parachute jump – so far, so Warzone.

The arena gradually becomes smaller, a blue circle (PUBG says hello!) gradually contracts. Anyone standing outside suffers damage. Loot is distributed randomly in Warfield 100, and as is typical for the genre, you only start with a pistol and a grenade.

If you die, you can fight for a second chance in prison. This works up to three times, but becomes more difficult with each death. If you go down for the fourth time, you will be kicked out of the match.

How to play Warfield 100 yourself: Search for the server “Warfield” (the full name is “Warfield 100 – Battle Royale”). To host a round yourself, enter this code: AAGDWA. Without the dot, of course. Of course, you can also join a match in progress, but you can only watch passively if you join after the preliminary round.

These restrictions exist
: Because Portal is actually explicitly not meant to be a Battle Royale, chbmg had to improvise in some places. For example, all players die after the preliminary round and then respawn into the real match. Loot is invisible, but is displayed in the HUD. When you see “On Loot”, you have to press the duck button three times to pick it up.

If there are not enough human players, the lobby will be filled with bots. Because they can’t pick up any Loot, they get a random weapon directly into their hands.

Unfortunately, there is also a serious bug in Warfield 100. When you leave the game – whether you quit after the preliminary round or experience the match to the end – Battlefield Portal likes to crash completely from time to time. According to chbmg, a fix for this is planned. You can read all about the mode and its limitations here on Reddit.

The new Portal mode allows players to fully let off steam creatively. For example, by turning Battlefield 2042 into a real hardcore shooter.