Battlefield 2042: Update 2.2 arrives today, brings new weapons and a major map rework


The next major update for Battlefield goes live on October 20, 2022. Among other things, there are new Vault weapons, persistent servers, and the rework of Orbital.

After Battlefield 2042”s last patch only tweaked the weapon balance a little and brought other minor changes, new content is coming again with Update 2.2, which will be released on 20 October 2022. Find out which weapons you can now play in All Out Warfare and what the revised map looks like here.

What does update 2.2 bring?

New Vault Weapons

Since the release of Season 2, so-called Vault weapons keep coming to the All-Out Warfare modes, which originated in previous Battlefield games and were previously only available in Portal. With Update 2.2, there are three new Vault weapons that can be unlocked by completing missions:

Map rework by Orbital

At the time of the release of Battlefield 2042, its maps were also sharply criticised. Players often had to cover very long distances and could only take cover in a few places. The developers have therefore been working on map reworks for some time, several of which have already been released. With update 2.2, a new version of Orbital is now coming into play, which is presented with a video:

As can already be seen there, many new covers and details have been added: Tank wrecks, containers and sandbags are spread over the terrain and the streets are torn by explosion craters. But the structure of the map has also been changed:

The former capture points Checkpoint and Radar are now the headquarters of the two teams. Between the power station on the coast and the large area around the launch pad, a new conquest point (D1) has been set up on the hill for this purpose, which is also connected to the tunnel below. This is how the map looks now:

(The headquarters of the two teams used to be further away and now replace two former conquest points.)
(The headquarters of the two teams used to be further away and now replace two former conquest points.)

The new structure should allow for shorter walking distances and smoother gameplay. In addition, the atmosphere of the map should also be improved with the military and war-torn look.

Durable Portal Servers

With Update 2.2, purchasers of the Premium Battle Pass will have the option to set up a persistent portal server. This will be permanently displayed there in the server browser as long as players have been active in the last 7 days.

Notes on the patch


  • The list of blocked players in the game is now updated in real time when a user from the same platform is blocked or unblocked
  • The Squad VOIP UI is no longer visible in the start menu when the game is launched
  • When joining a portal experience, the map location icon is now displayed on the loading screen in the bottom left corner of the screen
  • Fixed an issue where the same welcome screen could be displayed multiple times when starting the game
  • When joining a friend in Conquest in All-Out Warfare, the bottom left corner of the loading screen now correctly says US/RU instead of No-Pat Conquest
  • Some PC menu buttons and screens have been updated to no longer display “(F) Change Settings” when pressing this button has no effect.
  • Red backlights should no longer cut through player models on the home screen.
  • PS5 – The activity menu on the PlayStation 5 now correctly displays the actual activity in the game instead of always saying “Conquest”
  • The “5 kills and assists as” task to unlock a cosmetic for Crawford and Lis now correctly records assists
  • The “Hellbent” player card tag now correctly displays Season 2 missions. This correction should be retroactive
  • The name of Crawford”s mounted volcano in the championship criteria has been corrected. Turret assists now also advance him
  • Fixed an issue with the stats page where damage done with Season 2 weapons was not being displayed correctly
  • Unachievable season badges for expired seasons are no longer displayed on the Upcoming Rewards screen
  • Fixed an issue that caused rank advancements to be missed in Battle Rass if a player was promoted too quickly
  • Added the ability to equip player card backgrounds on Battle Pass screens.
  • Fixed an issue where the Battle Pass championship badge was slow to track. The badge should now display correctly when progress is made 
  • Fixed an issue where the XP bar was moving backwards in the XP summary screen


  • Improvements and corrections made to the audio of C5
  • Removed an incorrect voice line after E2 was captured during renewal
  • General audio improvements and mixdown on Orbital added
  • Sound of burning wreckage added on Orbital
  • Audio improvements to ranger step patterns when not on screen
  • Fixed an audio issue with Ranger”s steps when they come to a stop


  • Fixed a minor bug where a backslash symbol would appear in the world log while the AI was delivering supplies, healing or reviving itself
  • Fixed an issue where grenades would not show up if you were not facing an enemy grenade. Sometimes problems would just hit you in the face
  • Fixed an issue where the message “Out of Ammo” would display when you threw your last available grenade.
  • The wrong name is no longer displayed for the FXM-33 in the collection screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the left arm is not visible when using the med-pen while the traversal sprint is active
  • Fixed an issue where the repair tool would shake during repair or damage animation
  • The Recoilless M5, SOFLAM, FXM-33 AA Missile and Javelin can now target empty or neutral vehicles


  • Stranded has been added to the Custom Conquest game mode
  • MCOMs have been added to TDM, FFA, VTDM and Custom Conquest game modes 

Rules Editor

MCOM related blocks have been added to the rule editor. These new blocks allow you to search for and manipulate MCOMs to add to your game modes:

  • MCOM targets
  • MCOMDefused block 
  • MCOMDestroyed block 
  • MCOMArmed block 
  • AllMCOMs block 
  • SetFuseTime block
  • MCOM target added to EnableObjective block 
  • MCOM target added to block Teleportation
  • MCOM target added to block SetTeamOwner
  • MCOM target added to block TeamOwner
  • MCOM target added to IsActive block
  • RemainingFiringTime block
  • IsDefusing block
  • IsDefused block
  • IsArming block
  • IsArmed block

Other new blocks have been added to the rule editor:

  • GetCapturePointPosition block
  • EnableCapturing block
  • IsType block
  • OnPlayerDamaged block
  • Block OnPlayerEarnKillAssist
  • Vehicle Repair Block
  • Vehicle Damage Block


  • FriendlyFireDamageReflection Mutator has been added. When this mutator is used, all damage dealt to friends is reflected back to the player after two Friendly Fire kills.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented movement in any direction while using a parachute.
  • Soldiers can no longer stand on flying drones. Drones are not made for surfing and they should know better
  • Soldiers no longer turn for a brief moment after exiting vehicles.
  • Fixed an issue where reload animations sometimes didn”t play as intended right after revival
  • Fixed an issue where moving slowly in the prone position could cause the appropriate animations to not play
  • Soldier physics and animations were sometimes out of sync. This could cause you to move into rooms where you didn”t have enough room to stand
  • Fixed some cases where the input did not work during the parachute jump.
  • Soldiers now stop faster when starting a revive while sliding. This should prevent sliding out of range when starting a resurrection
  • Fixes several cases where the jump animation was not triggered on stairs or steep slopes.
  • You can no longer charge at a squad mate who is near an enemy vehicle
  • It is no longer possible to revive squad mates through glass windows on “Renewal” and “Endangerment”



  • Fixed a bug where if you were playing Angel and were in the passenger seat of the MD540 Nightbird, you could not drop a supply box


  • Fixed an issue where leaving the range of the SG-36 Sentry Gun would interrupt the firing animation while the Sentry Gun was moving


  • Fixed a bug where the “Enter Drone” prompt appears on the screen even when the player is not using Casper”s tablet
  • Fixed an issue where the EMP weapon icon was missing when controlling Casper”s reconnaissance drone


  • Fixed a bug where you could disappear off the map and squad mates could not spawn on you when operating the mounted volcano
  • Fixed an animation issue when picking up the Mounted Vulcan.
  • Fixed an issue where the prompt “No Ammo” would appear when picking up the Mounted Vulcan
  • Fixed an issue where the mounted Vulcan”s shot sound would get stuck during the alt tab
  • The mounted Vulcan can now be repaired


  • Fixed a bug where smashing a vehicle with Dozer”s SOB-8 Ballistic Shield and stepping on it at the same time would interrupt the 1P animations
  • Friendly players can no longer move through Dozer while his shield is deployed


  • Fixed a broken self-healing animation when using the S21 Syrette pistol


  • Fixed an issue where Irish”s Veteran trait prevented him from collecting ammo from fallen enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where the icon of the APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel appeared blue instead of green in the world.
  • Removed an issue where the icon of the APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel was not aligned when placed on uneven terrain.
  • Fixes several bugs that allowed the DCS Deployable Cover to be deployed inside players, vehicles or assets


  • Fixed a bug where Lis was doing 0 damage when shooting the G-84 TGM. However, we don”t know why one would do that.
  • Fixed a graphics issue with Lis after entering the BF3 Portal Collection


  • Fixed an animation issue for Mackay during end of turn


  • Fixed an issue with Paik”s scanner where the “I got one!” Voice Over was triggered when no enemy was visible on the minimap


  • Fixed an issue with Rao”s Cyber Warfare Suite where a white scan indicator was briefly visible when first equipped
  • Fixed an issue where Rao was not receiving XP when hacking doors


  • Fixed an issue where Sundance would bounce near the ground when opening the wingsuit.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong name was displayed for Sundance”s grenade belt


We”ve made numerous minor bug fixes on several maps, focusing on fixing bugs that could affect a smooth and engaging gameplay experience. You should find fewer distractions such as getting stuck, floating, glitched or seeing low quality terrain and assets.


  • Fixed some ice and snow covered hills that spawn with low quality textures when explosives are used nearby


  • Reflective lights on the bottom of the ship”s interior that did not change position correctly during movement have been fixed


  • Fixed an issue where soldiers could cut through the roof texture and see outside a building on A2
  • Removed an extended collision of multiple pine trees that prevented players from shooting through them
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck behind an invisible collision after falling off a cliff in B1
  • Players will no longer climb through metal beams after climbing on crates in D4
  • Fixed an issue in 64-player playthrough where the terrain around fences could be destroyed so that they floated
  • Removed several areas in structures where soldiers could get stuck
  • Removed an issue on B1 between containers and landslides that allowed players to crawl through them to the other side
  • Removed an issue in Breakthrough where soldiers could get stuck between barriers and containers in the tunnel from US HQ to Flag C1
  • Fixed a problem on D3 where soldiers could not cross the middle of this elevation when walking towards the cable car
  • Fixed an issue in several places where soldiers could sometimes either go under or into unintended areas of the map
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to see through mountain textures
  • Fixed issue where interaction key remained visible after interacting with automatic doors
  • Fixed an issue where grenades in the ceiling of the room with the D1 flag could be glitched
  • Fixed several issues with stretched and damaged textures on the map
  • Fixed several areas on the map where soldiers could cut through objects or terrain
  • Fixed several misplaced or floating objects on the map


  • Fixed an issue where several buildings had collisions outside their field of view. This meant that they could blog bullets unintentionally
  • Fixed an issue on the deployment screen where the button to select a vehicle was obscured by the equipment UI.
  • Hourglass – Fixed an issue where light panels near C1 had no animation when destroyed


  • Improved the behaviour when removing windows at the base of buildings
  • Fixed an issue with C2 where the terrain near the alley plant in the plaza could be destroyed to the point where the front of the object partially floated
  • Removed several issues with terrain and craters on B3.
  • Fixed an issue where anti-air background atmosphere tracer bullets were placed too close to the air OOB area
  • Fixed an issue on C2 between the power box and the square”s foundation that prevented traversal.
  • Fixed a problem with clipping of several objects on the map
  • Removed an issue on B4 where destroyed terrain could cause items to float
  • Remedied an issue on C1 with hydrant water VFX inside the building .
  • Remedied an issue on B1 with the command post having the material physics set to metal, resulting in incorrect footprints


  • Removed several invisible walls on Manifesto
  • Removed several light fade issues on floodlights


  • Fixed several areas in Orbital where the light was overexposed when looking outside from inside a building
  • Fixed some lighting and shadow issues in the tunnels of Orbital.
  • Fixed several issues on B2 where the soldier had trouble crossing two rocks when trying to return
  • Removed an issue with C5 explosives disappearing and not doing damage when placed in the buildings around the D2 flag.
  • Fixed an issue where a soldier could get stuck under the missile launch pad
  • Fixed an issue where several different impact SFX could be heard when throwing a grenade against the ceiling in D2 storage units
  • Fixed an issue where the light was bleeding inside/outside buildings and containers.
  • Fixed an issue where switchboards would float in the air after the surrounding buildings were destroyed
  • Fixed an issue where you could not hack after being hacked by an enemy


  • Fixed several issues with character distance and culling of objects on the map.
  • Fixed an issue in the danger zone where uplinks were in places where you couldn”t interact with them
  • Fixed an issue in Sector D where soldiers could be marked as out of bounds


  • Battlefield portal layouts are now available for stranded people
  • Fixed issue on B1 where defenders could rush to target A in the first sector from their headquarters
  • Fixed an issue on C2 where prone soldiers could collide with tower platforms and be damaged by bullets
  • Fixed an issue where the random deployment point widget was missing in FFA-based portal modes
  • Fixed an issue on C1 where an obscured person was visible when looking into the middle part of the ship near a container
  • Fixed an issue where soldiers could interact with an unusable ladder on the deck of the ship
  • Fixed an issue on C1 where a corner of the marketplace in the middle of the ship would become bright when the player looked at the wall
  • Fixed an issue at C2 where Mackay could camp on a support beam
  • Fixed an issue in Breakthrough where squad members could walk through crates during the introduction sequence


  • Bolte – The size of the AOE of the Bolte fire mine has been adapted to the VFX.
  • Characters with items on their backs should no longer cut through the seat of the tuk-tuk.
  • AMPs on the EBLC-RAM now block Sundance”s scatter grenades
  • The EBLC-RAM spawn beacon is now destroyed by storms
  • Fixed an issue that caused vehicles to shake when using the 3p cameras on tanks and stealth helicopters
  • Fixed an issue where icons would overlap when the AI was occupying all remaining seats in a vehicle
  • Vehicles now freeze for a few seconds when changing seats on a moving platform
  • Fixes an issue that caused some vehicle cameras to drift upwards when turning.
  • Ground Vehicles – The momentum of the 50mm cannon of ground vehicles has been reduced. This should prevent vehicles such as the MD540 Nightbird from being bumped too much by weapon impacts.
  • Improved the collision of tank shells when aiming close to the side of an object.
  • KA-520 Super Hokum and MV-38 Condor – The miniguns for ground vehicles now damage the Condor and Hind correctly over different distances.
  • Lock-on missiles no longer hit the helicopter pilot, but do damage to the vehicle as intended
  • RAH-68 Huron – Fixed an issue where rain could be seen in the cockpit of the RAH-68 Huron
  • Smart missiles now follow the same dispersion angles as heavy missiles. They shoot inwards more and are more accurate
  • Camouflage helicopter bombs now play the visual effects of the bomb trail as intended for players other than the pilot dropping them .
  • The 1st person view in Polaris RZR now displays dynamic values.
  • Improved audibility of stealth helicopter bombs for low altitude bomb drops .
  • The name of the M1A5 and T28 HEAT Shell has been changed to HE Shell to improve their functionality as anti-infantry
  • The Polaris RZR is now affected by systemic damage to its wheels
  • The SFX of passenger pings sometimes played twice, so we removed the repeat button
  • Wildcat – Fixed an issue that caused the crosshairs for 40 and 57mm guns on the Wildcat to not work properly
  • Wildcat – The projectiles from the Wildcat”s 40mm cannon are now aligned with the centre of the crosshairs when firing from the 1P perspective.
  • The enemy vehicle type is now displayed on the kill card when a vehicle blows up due to a vehicle collision.
  • Fixed a bug where some specialists in Polaris RZR still had their backpack gadget on
  • Fixed a bug where players could shoot at friendly helicopters after shooting at an enemy helicopter

EBAA Wildcat, MAV, M1A5, T28

We have increased the health for the track/wheel damage zone on vehicles with heavy armour to ensure players need to be accurate when taking out certain parts of the vehicle. It now takes 2 shots to disable them

  • Tank Chains/Wheels – Health increased from 200 -☻ 300

EBAA Wildcat, M1A5, T28

The turret”s damage zone health has also been increased to reward accuracy against vehicles. It also now takes 2 shots to take it out. To compensate, the health regenerates more slowly.

  • Tank / Wildcat Turret – Health increased from 250 -☻ 350.
  • Health regeneration time increased from 10 -☻ 14


  • The Target 8T Iron Sight is no longer blocked when using the Skeletonized Skin.
  • Silencer sounds have been added to the GVT 45-70.
  • DM7 – The DM7 magazine would sometimes disappear for a second after reloading when viewed from 3rd person perspective. The magazines took a leap of faith and no longer hide
  • Added a missing animation for the DXR-1 shell ejection.
  • The standard output of the AM40 / Drum Mag now shows the correct ammo count
  • Switching an underbarrel is no longer displayed in the HUD of nearby players
  • Fixed an issue where bipods appeared closed from another player”s perspective
  • Removed muzzle flash that was incorrectly visible on a number of weapons when using a silencer
  • The M16A3 was missing advantages and disadvantages for some of its underbarrels. These have now been found
  • Fixed a problem with missing SFX when reloading
  • The barrel is no longer visible when aiming down with the avancys with certain scopes
  • The GAR45 silencer now hides you on the minimap like all other light silencers .
  • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible grid to appear on the default magazine of the PF51
  • The laser sight is no longer misaligned on weapons when using the traversal sprint and a FOV above 55.
  • In-game hints are now displayed correctly for the Canted Sight Sig Tango 4
  • Improved behaviour of spin-up weapons when firing shortly after entering vehicle weapon stations.
  • Fixed an issue where the ADS animation looked strange from another player”s perspective
  • Fixed an issue that caused the animated bolt to cut through the weapon when reloading an empty magazine

Laser Sight

Multiple corrections and visual improvements have been made to the laser sight”s behaviour on weapons

  • Fixed an issue where the laser would hover around the weapon attachment in the 1p view when using a high FOV setting
  • Fixed an issue where the laser would point forward too much in 1p view while sprinting and using a high FOV setting.
  • Fixed an issue where the glare from green and blue lasers was red when looking at other players.
  • Green and blue lasers are now slightly more intense than red 
  • Lasers are now blocked exactly by the geometry
  • Laser dots are now visible as intended when ADS passes through most sights/scopes
  • Further visual tweaks and corrections to lasers