Battlefield 2042: Why fans remain loyal to the shooter after 19 months


Battlefield 2042 is definitely not the best shooter in the series. A Reddit thread explores why it still has loyal fans

Battlefield 2042 has had it anything but easy, even nearly two years after its messed-up launch. Many players jumped off after the release, and in terms of player numbers, the shooter on Steam regularly has to admit defeat to older games in the series or even graphically unimpressive indie titles.

Why some loyal fans nevertheless continue to play Battlefield 2042 and don’t switch to another shooter is now being asked by a Reddit thread, and bringing forth interesting answers.

Why is Battlefield 2042 being played?

The user (MegaPekka12 wants to know on Reddit) why players continue to stay loyal to the current Battlefield. The answers to this question vary greatly. For (jbergy435), for example, the Battle Pass is decisive:

Because it’s the only game where I can play occasionally and still complete the Battle Pass. I don’t have to play for at least two hours every day to get to the end. I can hop in for 2 or 3 hours on the weekend, still finish and have fun at the same time.

For (one_more_an0n), on the other hand, dislike of Call of Duty plays more of a role:

It’s fun and has gotten a lot better over time. Also, unlike Modern Warfare 2, there are no people running around with bunny heads, rat heads or as anime characters. Also, there are no teammates playing like fools just to grind camouflage. Good, purposeful gameplay instead of uncoordinated chaos.

(JaleelHS) especially enjoys the battlefield feel he can’t find anywhere else:

It’s still the only franchise besides Squad that really feels like you’re on a battlefield. Sure most teams don’t play their proper roles anymore, and many are more focused on kills instead of the game’s objectives, but there are moments when it still feels like the golden age of Battlefield.

And (National_Hippo5730) is most excited about the military sandbox where he can try all sorts of crazy moves:

Because it’s fun. Because I can hijack a jet that’s chasing me, because I can wingsuit into a, tornado, because I can chase penguins across Arctic icebergs, because I can stick explosives to my jeep and use it to ram an enemy tank, and because I can send my little EOD bot into battle and scare the shit out of any enemy who sees me coming. Because this game is Battlefield, despite what people say.

In addition, there are numerous other responses. They also mention the lack of skill-based matchmaking, the typical battlefield chaos, the possibility to play against bots and much more.

Can you relate to the players’ answers, and do you maybe even agree with them? Do you consider Battlefield 2042 to be one of the best shooters available, or has the game long since lost its value for you? Which shooter do you prefer to play at the moment? Feel free to tell us in the comments!