Battlefield 2042: Why the latest announcement is so important!


opinion: There”s a lot of scepticism about whether Battlefield 2042 has any chance of redemption – or a future. But at least DICE is pushing the right buttons.

How can you dumbass even look at Battlefield 2042 with your bum on?, it sounds under my latest post review of DICE”s shooter disappointment. Dozens of people vent in the comments. Battlefield 2042 deserves to die, you shouldn”t play the thing at all anymore, no patch in the world can fix this dump. How can you trust DICE any more?

Quite simply, I don”t. If DICE ever announces a Battlefront 3, I will definitely not stand there before release and rejoice that nothing can go wrong here. Anyone still pre-ordering a new Battlefield after Battlefield 5, 2042 and Battlefront 2 has to be aware of the risk, no question. But Battlefield 2042 is no longer about trust or distrust. We”re past that, the baby already took a running jump into the well at the end of 2021.

Battlefield 2042 is now only about one question: can DICE fix this game? There is no room for big promises here, but for action. Patch after patch, the developers must demonstrate that they are taking the correct path. And yes, Season 1 is a step in the right direction. Not a big one, but the right one.

But DICE has just announced a much bigger step. Battlefield 2042 is getting its classes back. What sounds like a pretty mechanical change at first, is the biggest chance the failed Battlefield ever had.

Battlefield 2042 finally gets classes

DICE has just released a trailer announcing the game”s future plans for Season 2 and 3. For example, you can see the reworked map Renewal, get a short preview of the new map (a shipwreck on a hill)!

Much more exciting than all these new features, however, is the big announcement for Season 3: Battlefield 2042 will get classes at the end of the year. The existing Specialists will remain, but will be restructured so that they start with very special class gadgets – for example, the ability to revive people. However, DICE itself does not yet know how this will work out in detail.

For example, it is still unclear how restrictive the classes will be. If, despite this, every class can take all weapons with them and switch through at any time, then the shot could backfire because people still don”t have to work together to conquer a point.

And that”s why Battlefield 2042 was so overdue to switch to this! Whether that”s ultimately enough to save the day, or whether the train has long since left the station by Season 3 … that”s another story.