Battlefield 2042 will definitely continue: Season 6 now confirmed


After DICE kept vague until now, it is now certain: Battlefield 2042 will get a real sixth season. And there’s already a first image. So half.

After the failed launch, few fans probably would have guessed that Battlefield 2042 would even make it past the first content year. But here we are: Season 5 starts on 7 June 2023 – and until now it was only said: Even after that it will continue somehow. It was unclear what that meant in concrete terms. Would Battlefield be put into economy mode to give DICE the space for the next part of the series?

Now there’s clarity: Battlefield 2042 is indeed getting a proper, sixth season Mind you, in the new format. Since Season 5, for example, the devs have been doing without new specialists – instead, the focus is to be on new weapons, maps and vehicles. In addition, of course, the expansion of the new class system with many comfort features that fans have been missing since launch. Here is the official posting from DICE:

If DICE sticks to the current rhythm (and there is currently no reason not to), Season 6 should start on time at the end of September, beginning of October 2023. Concrete content is not yet known, but we can already speculate that the team will have to break new ground: With Hourglass, the last original BF2042 map will be redeveloped in Season 5 – so in Season 6 there would either have to be two completely new maps or DICE will reduce its own workload. Good, or they simply start from scratch and rehabilitate the rehabilitated maps.

For now, however, Season 5 is on the agenda. With a new large map, new anti-air guns, the G36, the Desert Eagle and countless balance changes, fans will get a very interesting package. The vehicles in particular will be fundamentally reworked, and too powerful specialists will also receive important nerfs. Battlefield 2042 remains on a good path for now. But it’s an open secret that DICE is probably already working on the next projects.