Battlefield 3: Reality mod is here – rush so great that server capacity is increased immediately


Shortly after the release of the highly anticipated Battlefield 3 mod, the servers are already almost completely full. The modders were already working on increasing the capacity

While Battlefield 2042 is slowly but surely recovering from its enormous low, some players prefer to dig Battlefield 3 out of the back of their minds again. The reason for this is the newly released Reality Mod, which makes the multiplayer shooter decidedly darker, more serious and more tactical. The fan project has now attracted so many players within a few hours that the servers were full.

If you haven”t yet seen the atmospheric trailer for the mod, you can do so here:

What exactly is the reality mod?

Maybe Battlefield fans of the older spin-offs still know the BF2 mod Project Reality. The makers of the new mod for Part 3 drew a lot of inspiration from Project Reality, as they themselves state. There are more down-to-earth battles, as well as a more minimalist HUD than in the original game and many other changes. What exactly is in the ambitious mod, (you can read here!)

How strong was the run-up? 

As the fan account (Battlefield Bulletin) reveals on Twitter, there were already over 3500 players online within the first hour since release on 17 July. The modders obviously didn”t expect such a rush, because the servers were packed. Within a few hours, however, the capacities were already expanded.

How do you install the Reality Mod?

If you want to jump right into the fray, then you can simply follow these instructions and jump right into the battle. 

What you need: 

System Requirements

The system requirements for the Reality Mod are slightly higher than those of the original game, but should not cause any problems on any reasonably up-to-date computer: 

  • Operating system: Windows 7 (64-bit) or newer 
  • Processor: Quad-core CPU 3.0 GHz or higher 
  • Memory: 8GB RAM or higher 
  • Graphics: Base frequency 1120 MHz and 4GB video memory or higher 
  • DirectX: Version 11 or higher
  • Memory: More than 20 GB free memory 


When you meet all this, you can launch the Venice Unleashed mod installer, log in with your account and connect it to your Origin account. Create your soldier, maybe make sure you have the right microphone set in the options, and you”re ready to start looking for servers.  

To find the right servers, you have to filter in the search bar, otherwise you will be shown other mod servers of Venice Unleashed. You will find the appropriate button under “Server” in the “Tags” tab. You should find the right servers and be able to start the battle.

If you have difficulties with the installation, have a look at the official beginners guide. There you will find the installation guide as well as useful tips for the mod:

The gloomy look of the mod thus strikes a completely different note than the more colourful Battlefield 2042. It remains to be seen whether Vice will also strike a more serious note again in the next Battlefield. In any case, a few decisions have already been reconsidered, for example, the single-player campaign is to return in the new Battlefield.

Have you already played the Reality Mod or are you planning to do so? Feel free to write it down in the comments!