Battlefield 7 is being “redesigned as an ecosystem” according to EA, and fans are already sceptical


It doesn’t take much to put worry lines on the foreheads of Battlefield fans. In the course of an investor call, EA boss Andrew Wilson has once again succeeded in doing just that.

Sometimes a single sentence is enough to make himself unpopular without any detours. And expert at turning gamers against himself is EA boss Andrew Wilson – especially when he talks about upcoming Battlefield parts. Recently Wilson announced a return of the series in a whole new way. This led to, let’s call it, uncertainty among fans.

New design as ecosystem

During the quarterly earnings conference with EA investors, Wilson (according to now spoke again about the future of the once-legendary but recently troubled tactics shooter series.

According to the Electronic Arts boss, the next Battlefield will be much more than just a new series spin-off. It will be a complete redesign of a truly connected ecosystem He did not reveal more about the currently still publicly untitled seventh Battlefield installment.

Unique reactions

On X, formerly called Twitter, one of the most prominent Battlefield Youtubers clearly reacts to the news:

Can it please be fun? Can it please not be all about style, with no substance behind it? Can it please not be just a marketing masterpiece, but a gameplay flop in the process?

And you can hardly find anyone else who is happy about such a statement – maybe the investors should post on X or Xen.

X-User 235Nuke (sums it up for himself like this):

This choice of words was probably the worst possible marketing decision in the run-up to the next game, without even trying to market the title yet. By using buzzwords to impress the shareholders, they’re making the player base that everything is built on groan in fear.

And? Do you feel it too? That cold pull in your back? Or does Andrew Wilson’s statement leave you cold in a different way? Do you think EA is on the right track or are you sceptical? What do you think is behind such an announcement? Feel free to write us your thoughts and assumptions on the subject in the comments.