Battlefield loses another chief developer: Now the creative director is leaving too


Craig Morrison had been on board since 2022 to further develop the Battlefield brand. Now he has left the studio

For fans of Battlefield  there is now even more reason to worry: Another important developer is leaving the team. As Battlefield Bulletin reports via Twitter Craig Morrison has left the developer studio DICE. He had taken up the role in December 2022.

Big shoes to fill

The change has now been confirmed via LinkedIn officially. Morrison was to further develop the Battlefield brand as Studio Creative Director at DICE after Lars Gustavsson left the studio in fall 2022.

He was following in very big footsteps: Gustavsson had been with DICE for 22 years and was known and respected in the community as  “Mr. Battlefield “ As a producer, designer and director, Gustavsson was instrumental in the development of Battlefield 1942, BF2, Bad Company 2, BF3 and 4 as well as Battlefield 1 and BF5

Craig Morrison worked as a designer for Blizzard before joining the Battlefield team and has now moved to the Blue Scarab Entertainment studio. With his departure, the role of Studio Creative Director at DICE is once again vacant

Not the first big departure

It’s another setback for the Battlefield brand In February, it was revealed that head of development Marcus Lehto is no longer working on Battlefield 

Lehto and his team at Ridgeline Games were supposed to set a new story direction for Battlefield and create a coherent BF universe.

Shortly afterwards came the next piece of bad news: as part of the wave of layoffs at EA, the entire Ridgeline team was shut down and the employees laid off.

What’s next?

Rumor has it that the next Battlefield will go back to the roots of the series and once again feature 64 players, the old class system and highly destructible environments. With the physics, they apparently want to “put all other games in the shade”, they say.

A new Battlefield game has not yet been officially announced, but alongside DICE in Sweden, the studio Ripple Effect (formerly DICE Los Angeles) is also working on the future of the series