Fans ask artist AI for the next Battlefield – and the bot delivers!


Concept drawings for a new Battlefield impress fans on social media. Yet the artwork is not by a human being.

Gloomy and atmospheric they look, the images that are supposed to represent a new Battlefield game by DICE, which will be released in 2023. The peculiarity: DICE and EA have nothing to do with these pictures at all, they don’t even come from a real person!

Instead, the artworks are the result of an unspecified AI that has been artistically active here. But where did they appear? Battlefield-focused Youtuber TheTacticalBrit posted the images on Twitter and wrote:

I asked an art AI to create concept drawings for me for a new Battlefield from EA DICE coming out in 2023

Other users followed his example and also posted AI-generated Battlefield landscapes. What they all have in common is an oppressive battlefield atmosphere against an urban backdrop. Smoke piles up, wrecked tanks and soldiers can be seen in the firelight. The scenes are even somewhat reminiscent of the dark and devastated city maps from the Battlefield competitor World War 3.

The community is largely enthusiastic about the creations, with well-known Battlefield influencer Westie writing, for example, “Wow, this is kind of really cool!” while another user directly shows off his own AI Battlefield images:

In terms of staging, the visuals should pretty much strike a chord with many BF devotees, especially since BF2042 is often quite off-key in its tone.

Which AI was that? The artwork was probably created by the Midjourney AI, which has been causing a stir with its paintings on the net for several weeks now.

Once again with a solo campaign: In addition, it is almost certain that Battlefield 7, in contrast to the current part, will once again feature a single-player story – DICE even hired new specialists for this.