First gameplay from Battlefield 7, new program (connects selected players directly with the developers)


DICE revives the celebrated CTE program for the new Battlefield and shows the first scenes from the new Battlefield.

A turning point is apparently taking place in the marketing of Battlefield: Instead of a pompously staged trailer with a lot of theatrics, including a pre-order offensive, this time we can expect a community approach for the first reveal.

To be more precise: the comeback of the Community Test Environment, or CTE for short. Under the new title Battlefield Labs, the developers want to get fans on board for the next game and collect feedback at an early stage.

But now to the gameplay teaser! Jump to the video below at minute 04:40:

What immediately stands out:

  • A modern setting in the style of BF3 and BF4
  • M1 Abrams main battle tanks and M4 rifles are featured
  • Locations include the Middle East
  • Destruction is more prevalent
  • Authentic soldiers (instead of Specialists)
  • The classic Battlefield soundtrack is back

“Make the best possible Battlefield”

Battlefield Labs is a test server environment where players can play early versions and provide direct support to developers. The official statement on Battlefield Labs is:

Battlefield Labs is an exclusive new test environment that connects selected players directly with the developers. You will be able to test and give us direct feedback so that we can make the best possible Battlefield. It starts with users in Europe and North America, with other regions to come later. Space is limited, but we encourage you all to sign up.

Many fans welcome this community-centric step. On Reddit, user undertheskin comments: “It’s a step in the right direction. I’m glad that the playtests aren’t just internal or for content creators.”

What and when will be tested?

Battlefield Labs doesn’t have a release date yet, but it will start before the game’s release, according to producer David Sirland. The following aspects, among others, will be tested, according to producer David Sirland:

  • Destruction
  • Maps
  • Vehicles
  • Game modes
  • Gameplay
  • New features

What was the CTE?

Battlefield Labs can be seen as the direct successor to the discontinued CTE program. It was introduced after the bumpy start of Battlefield 4, but it was also used in other offshoots (most recently in Battlefield 1).

The CTE was supposed to identify and fix the biggest criticisms of BF4. The feature was mostly well received in the community.

Based on the CTE feedback, numerous design and technical corrections were made at the time and also incorporated into subsequent games – including the improvements to BF4’s netcode that were frequently requested at the time.

The fact that the CTE program was terminated after Battlefield 1 and not reactivated for any of the controversial successors was met with a lack of understanding in the community. Players and influencers alike criticized the closure of one of the most important feedback channels in the series’ history.