Grappling hook glitch in Battlefield 2042 suspends all laws of nature


With the Grappling Hook, you can currently pull yourself not only up against walls, but also smoke. And to tornadoes.

It’s been known for a long time that Battlefield 2042 has some futuristic technologies – after all, it’s set a few years in the future. But what the grappling hook does right now puts all other military achievements in the shade. You can even use it to cling to smoke and wind.

Of course, this is not supposed to happen, there is definitely a bug behind it. But until a patch fixes it, you can try it out anyway.

Storm and Smoke

In Battlefield 2042, other laws of nature seem to apply than in our universe, as this video proves. The grappling hook grabs a tornado raging many miles away – and the specialist attached to it flies once over the entire map until the storm drags him beyond the level boundary.

And that’s not the end of the whimsical grappling hook glitches. Because the tool can also cling to smoke, which you can even exploit tactically. All you need is a smoke grenade, which then becomes an anchor point for the hook. There’s video proof of that too:

At the moment, this application possibility is even more useful than the actual purpose of the smoke grenades. This is because the camouflage can be made completely useless quite easily by an exploit.

How to use the grappling hook? Only Specialist Webster Mackay can use the grappling hook. By default, you activate the tool by pressing 3 on your keyboard. You simply aim where you want to grab onto and you will be pulled to the target. This is particularly useful for quickly gaining height or escaping from a tricky situation. Or to chase a tornado.

It is not yet known when and how DICE will fix this glitch. It is possible that the fix is already in the next Update 3, which is supposed to be the biggest patch so far and promises many improvements.

Have you ever been pulled along by the Tornado? Or have you encountered any other grappling hook glitches? Feel free to tell us about them in the comments.