Level up fast in Battlefield 2042: Our tips to farm XP

Level up quickly in Battlefield 2042

You want to gain experience and level up fast in BF 2042? Our guide is guaranteed to help you do just that.

Battlefield 2042 has arrived and is currently struggling with numerous problems – such as the annoying Bloom effect, which currently makes many assault rifles almost unplayable due to its random factor:

Currently, the best solution is to unlock a powerful submachine gun or a powerful DMR and then go into battle with it. But first you have to collect a lot of experience points and levels.

If you want to know how to level up quickly in BF 2042 and get a lot of XP, you should definitely continue reading this article.

Our tips for fast XP

Reconnaissance drone: Ok, it might not be the most exciting way to earn experience points, but it’s incredibly effective. Instead of actively participating in the battle, you help your team by simply marking all possible enemy troops and vehicles with your reconnaissance drone.

To do this, of course, you have to choose the specialist Casper, who is the only one who can make use of this gimmick. The metheode works best in the game mode Breakthrough, which many veterans may still know as Rush. Here, there is actually always a real front where many enemies cavort – in Conquest it is much more difficult to find so many enemies at once.

Casper's drone can give you loads of XP
Casper’s drone can give you loads of XP

Find a safe place, fly your drone to the front and simply look down at the enemies to mark them. Each marked enemy will only grant you 5 XP at first, but if your team eliminates them, you’ll get another 50 XP for an assist.

In addition, you earn a lot of ribbons for assists and reconnaissance, which grant you further experience points. At the end of a 15-minute match, you can quickly accumulate 15,000 XP. In longer matches that extend over several sectors, the number increases accordingly.

Ribbons: If you don’t want to spend all your time cowering in a corner and flying your drone over the battlefield, you can of course also earn experience quickly in normal play.

The best option here is to keep the ribbons in mind and work towards them specifically – for example, by choosing a suitable specialist. With 500 to 1,000 XP per loop, they are really worthwhile if you want to quickly rise in rank.

The following ribbons are available:

  • Wingman: Awarded for assists or reviving team members.
  • Combat: For the Combat Loop, you simply need to destroy enemy soldiers and vehicles. It doesn’t matter if you do this on foot or from a vehicle.
  • Intel: For this you have to spot enemies, for example – as described above – with the reconnaissance drone.
    • Objective: Those who directly help their team to victory by capturing, defending and holding points can earn this Ribbon.
    • Logistics: The last Ribbon is awarded to good team players who heal their friends, supply them with ammunition or repair their vehicles with the tool.


    What you should avoid at all costs

    Shortly after the launch of pre-access for EA Play subscribers and purchasers of the Gold and Premium editions, there was a method that allowed you to earn a lot of XP in a very short time on the Battlefield Portal mode servers – up to thirty levels were said to be possible here for mowing down unarmed bots per hour:

    These XP farm servers were already generated by Dice after only a few hours, for kills of bots there’s no experience anymore. However, countless servers with the XP Farm designation are still rampant in the server list.

    These are a trap, however: there are no bots here, only two disparate teams. While one goes into battle fully armed, the other serves only as cannon fodder. That’s why many unknowing players end up on the battlefield with only a knife in their hand and are directly whacked.

    While DICE was very quick to fix the XP exploit, Battlefield 2042 is still plagued by many other problems that significantly reduce the fun of the game. What the developers should definitely fix with the first major patch