Battlefield 2042 introduces Season 2: Master of Arms. We show you the new Specialist Crawford, the new map Stranded as well as weapons and vehicles.
After a technically weak release and many unpopular design decisions, Battlefield 2042 took one knock after another from old fans of the series. Player numbers plummeted, but developer DICE is still sticking with the multiplayer shooter.
Season 1: Zero Hour brought little but fun new content. And the live service will soon continue with Season 2: Master of Arms. We summarise what you can expect in terms of new maps, new specialists and new weapons and vehicles.
But is this enough to lead the battered shooter out of the valley of hopelessness? I”ll give you my conclusion after two hours of play.
You can see the new trailer for Season 2 here:
Release and launch of Season 2: Master of Arms
The release of Season 2 is waiting just around the corner, with Master of Arms launching in Battlefield 2042 on 30 August 2022, making the second season a seamless continuation of the previous one. We have also summarised what Season 1 brought new and improved for Battlefield 2042.
The most remarkable news came between the doors: Battlefield 2042 brings back the class system! However, only in Season 3 and integrated into the already existing Specialists. Still, a really big deal, after all, the lack of classes was one of the most heavily criticised!
Table of Contents
New map Stranded
The new map Stranded reminds visually a bit of a mix of Discarded and Orbital. A large cargo ship forms the centre of the action. The stranded barge on a dry lake in Panama was once an important hub for Latin America, now the USA and Russia are fighting over it with the help of the No-Pats.
There is a lot of fierce hand-to-hand combat in and on the ship. The terrain around it is more open, with a large radio antenna and a military base. In between there is green, hilly terrain. All in all, the map allows many different play styles for melee fighters and snipers alike, which should ensure variety. The familiar ziplines also connect numerous locations with each other.
Numerous, sensibly distributed cover options show that DICE has taken player criticism seriously. Most launch maps have been criticised by players for the many open areas that leave foot soldiers defenceless.
Stranded, like Exposure from Season 1, relies on many hills and rocks in the terrain as well as containers and barricades as far as the eye can see. This makes for short walking distances between cover.
DICE is also gradually reworking the old, buggy maps. The video summarises how exactly the problems will be solved:
More new content in BF2042
We remember: In Season 1, Ewelina Lis, a new vehicle defence expert with guided missiles, joined the R10 crossbow, the BSV-M precision rifle and the two stealth helicopters RAH-68 Huron and YG-99 Hannibal.
Season 2 also brings new weapons, vehicles and a new specialist in addition to the Stranded map. Good news for veterans: Several weapons from old Battlefield games will return as Vault weapons in the context of so-called Assignments.

New weapons & gadgets
- New Assault Rifle AM40: A short, fully automatic carbine rifle that comes into its own especially in close quarters combat.
- New LMG Avancys: A light machine gun that can be used quickly and flexibly at all distances.
- Pistol PF51: A fully automatic pistol with a large magazine that is also strongly designed for close combat.
- Concussion Grenade: The new Concussion Grenade produces a white image followed by spongy vision and a high pitched whistle. It helps to confuse enemies and storm spaces in Close Quarters Combat.

New old
With Season 2: Master of Arms, Battlefield 2042 brings the first weapons from Portal, which in turn come from old Battlefield spin-offs, to the main All-Out Warfare mode. For the time being, only two of the so-called Vault Weapons are coming, with more to follow later on.
You unlock the weapons through specific assignments in Battlefield 2042. If you complete the missions, which have not yet been explained in detail, the weapons will then be available in your loadout selection.
- M16A3 assault rifle: The classic from Battlefield 3 and Portal mode. Offers continuous fire, three-round burst and single shot modes. Comes with attachments like sights from the original game.
- Machine gun M60: Large magazine, low cadence, lots of damage. Also equipped with classic attachments.
New Specialist Crawford
Charlie Crawford is a weapons dealer, will be assigned to the Support class in the future and brings the following abilities to the battlefield:
- Crawford”s gadget is a huge, stationary minigun gun. Once placed, any player can operate the Vulcan Cannon, which is particularly effective against infantry. However, one hit with the bazooka or a few well-aimed shots is enough to take out the gunner.
- Crawford can quickly revive fallen colleagues using a defibrillator. This also replenishes gadget ammunition. A powerful support character, then.
New vehicles
A new light armoured vehicle with a powerful cannon as well as a practical buggy expand the vehicle repertoire of Battlefield 2042.
- EBLC-Ram: A lightly armoured wheeled vehicle that deals a lot of damage against infantry and vehicles through MG and heavy cannon. A skill also allows it to deflect missiles. In addition, the driver places spawn beacons, which makes the EBLC-Ram a strong weapon for advances on objectives.
- Polaris RZR: A manoeuvrable buggy that is available as a world vehicle on some maps. You can”t spawn it, but only pick it up on the way.
New content for portal
- New weapons during Season 2, for example an M1 Carbine and an SKS.
- Custom Conquest game mode
- New Featured Modes
- New Community Spotlights
What”s in the new Battle Pass?
Officially confirmed so far is a new Battle Pass with the usual 100 levels and a premium track for about 10 euros. Game-relevant innovations will continue to be available for free in the Battle Pass.
We can”t tell you anything about the details yet, but we”ll let you know shortly.
After the reworked map Kaleidoscope in update 1.2, it”s now Renewal”s turn with a rework The map will get a general overhaul in Season 2 to ensure a better game flow. Orbital, Manifest and Hourglass will follow at a later date, according to DICE.
Editor”s Verdict
I spent 180 hours in Battlefield 2042 suffering, being annoyed, but also having great fun. At last, the joy outweighs the annoyance, especially because of the many improvements, the new map Exposure and the rework of Kaleidoscope. DICE is on the right track, even if I notice from the manageable amount of content that so much more would be possible here.
What Season 2 has in store will easily bring me back to BF2042 for 20 hours. The new map plays smoothly and there is plenty of cover. Especially in Conquest, I”m happy about the short distances and intense close-range battles.
In terms of weapons, I”m pleased to see the return of the M16A3. Hard to control in sustained fire, but very powerful and versatile. In addition, I can finally play with classic EOTech holovisors. This reminds me pleasantly of Battlefield 3.
Only my old criticism remains: One map per season is simply too few to keep disappointed players and returnees interested for long. So I don”t think that Battlefield 2042 will generate enough interest again to stand up to the approaching competition from CoD: MW 2. But let”s see if at least player numbers pick up in the future.