Absurd accusation in MW2 – Do good CoD players hear quieter footsteps than bad players?


According to some MW2 players, there is supposed to be a “skill based audio” to artificially widen the skill gap further. The Call of Duty community is divided.

An absurd accusation is dividing the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 community. The sounds in the game are supposed to be heard better or worse depending on the skill level of the account. This “skill-based audio” is allegedly deliberately creating a gap in the player community.

Some MW2 players are complaining on Reddit about a feature that is supposed to intentionally make the “skill gap” bigger. Already in the past there have been problems and complaints about the audio system in the game.

Skill-Based-Audio in Modern Warfare 2?

The user IVgormino shared a post in a MW2 subreddit in which someone claims to have collected evidence for the accusation. To this, the user wrote: “You guys need to stop with the conspiracy theories, this is ridiculous.”

According to the player, the opponents on his main account could be heard much more quietly than on his lower rated smurf account. On the latter, he could clearly determine where the footsteps were coming from.

According to other users, this is because lobbies with a higher skill rating are generally much louder, as more is happening!

The sounds of gunfire, explosions and surroundings would just drown out the footsteps.

CoD experts react

Call of Duty expert TrueGameData drew the comparison himself in a video:

He himself wouldn”t hear a difference, but wanted to leave it up to his viewers to make up their own minds.

The Call of Duty community is also always upset about “Skill Based Match Making” (SBMM), but how it works has never really been revealed. With the “Skill Based Audio”, the gaming community has now probably found further material to revive the SBMM discussion.