Better than the Kar98k – How to play the Swiss K31

Call of Duty Warzone Schweizer K31

For fast, aggressive sniping, the Kar98k is considered the strongest sniper rifle. However, it now has a strong competitor. The Swiss K31 offers a good alternative thanks to the new update and we show you how best to play it.

The Season 3 Reloaded update has revised many weapons and attachments. For example, the new weapons of the current season such as the PPSh-41 and the Swiss K31 have also been adapted.

With the buffs in the latest update, the Swiss K31 has become a candidate for the best aggressive sniper rifle. The update has improved the carbine in the following aspects:

– Twitch resistance has been greatly increased
– Pointing speed has been slightly increased
– Target stability has been increased

That’s why the new Sniper is so good

The Swiss K31 comes very close to the front-runner Kar98k due to the buffs, but it is a little slower and has a little less range. On the other hand, it does more damage to the torso and you can’t be seen when aiming.

Many of the sights on the Black Ops: Cold War weapons have a different zoom level compared to the Modern Warfare weapons. For example, the Axial Arms 3x sight has the same magnification as the sniper sight on the Kar98k. The advantage with the Axial Arms 3x, however, is that there is no sight mirror and you still see the same amount. If you mount this sight on the Swiss K31, you have a strong advantage.

The best setup

Muzzle: GRU Suppressor (Level 46)
Barrel: 24.9″ Combat Recon (Level 30)
Optic: Royal & Kross 4x (Level 27)
Ammunition: 7 Rnd (Level 8)
Rear Grip: Serpent Wrap (Level 44)