Call of Duty – Activision confirms Modern Warfare 2 expansion for 2023


After a long silence, Activision now confirms the first hints of a planned expansion for Modern Warfare 2 in 2023.

As revealed back in February, Activision plans to break with Call of Duty”s annual release cycle and not release a new Call of Duty in 2023. However, as CharlieINTEL has now announced on Twitter, fans won”t have to completely miss out on new content for Call of Duty.

Rumours confirmed

When CoD fans received the news in mid-February that Activision was not planning a new Call of Duty game for 2023, the shock and surprise was initially great. For a long time, people wondered whether this also meant that no new content was planned for the coming year. CoD leaker TheGhostOfHope claimed on Twitter at the end of October that not just one, but two DLCs were planned for 2023.

While one will focus on multiplayer and bring classics like Favela, Highrise or Terminal back into the map pool, the second will deal with single player and possibly start directly at the end of the Modern Warfare 2 story. More detailed information was apparently not available at the time of TheGhostOfHope”s tweet, but that seems to have changed now.

Although the leaker has often been correct with his assumptions in the past, he has so far been the only one to make the claim about a planned expansion. Now, however, he is receiving prominent support from online magazine CharlieINTEL and industry figure Jason Schreier, who confirm his statements based on Activision”s financial reports.

Premium Release

Even before it became clear that Modern Warfare 2 was going to be a huge success and break records, there were plans to release additional content to replace the lack of a new Call of Duty game in 2023.

According to a financial report from Activision, the community is not to be left completely out to dry next year. A so-called “premium release” is planned, which will include content for Modern Warfare 2”s single and multiplayer.

While the statements in Activision”s financial report are still a bit cryptic to read, insider Jason Schreier gets a bit more specific in a separate tweet and even reveals some more details about the future of Call of Duty.

Let me make this absolutely clear: The next game is coming in 2024 and is being developed by Treyarch – next year there will be a (paid) premium expansion for Modern Warfare II being developed by Sledgehammer – it”s supposed to feature lots of content! Maybe that”s what you would call a “full” release. But it”s more for MWII]

So there will indeed be no new Call of Duty in 2023, just a paid expansion released for the existing Modern Warfare 2. When exactly and how expensive this “premium release” will be, however, was not announced.